Dreaming of our forever

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Holding still against your panting figures sliding out he lowers your wobbling legs to the floor, feeling weak and flustered needing to find somewhere to sit you step over the fallen books fumbling your way to one of the velvet couches plopping down catching your breath one leg hangs from the side of it. After a few moments Kylo slowly strides over taking the spot next to you propping you're foot onto his lap right next to his still unbuttoned pants and exposed chest that is still heaving rapidly, the two of you lay there staring at each other for a very long time he studies your nude body never taking his eyes from your figure as you study his strong masculine features down his chest over the shinning sweat dripping down his torso.

Suddenly swishing his hand and a notebook and pen float towards him, grabbing them eagerly he begins scribbling onto the paper glancing upwards every now and then "what are you doing?" He raises a finger "shh don't move, I don't want to ever forget the way you look right now." Blinking in confusion before realizing that he's drawing you, a slight feeling of discomfort washes over he's never drawn you while you were aware of it trying to shift into a more flattering position he stops "no don't, sit back how you were." Blushing and trying to reason with him "I look gross sitting like this Kylo my stomach is all bunched and my legs are open and I'm sure my hair and makeup..." cutting you off "in this moment you are the most beautiful I've ever seen you look, remember I love every inch of you... I want to capture your true form, hold on to it forever...lie back and let me..." a warm feeling rushes over finally accepting the compliment you lay back how you were before reopening your leg it falls off the edge of the couch again while resting one hand on your knee the other lays flat on your stomach "beautiful...thank you."

Kylo furiously scribbles away at the paper for well over an hour before you give up and fall asleep resting your head against the soft fabric of the couch, finally waking to see that it's dark outside Kylo has lit the candles around the room and has placed his cloak around your sleeping frame. Looking across the couch noticing it's him who is a sleep now, the notebook held tightly in his grasp, slowly removing it turning the book around seeing the striking image of your relaxed figure beautifully drawn onto the paper, quietly gasping 'his art still amazes me every time.' He captured the tussled messy hair as it framed around your sleeping face to your slightly smeared lipstick, looking further down he even drew each and every red mark his own lips left upon your skin along the way, blushing at the way he drew the glistening sweat running down your neck over your collarbones down to your breasts plump and relaxed being held up by the soft feminine hand resting along your stomach, eye traveling further down he even added the slight leftover indentions left by his tight grip on your hips and thighs, even drawing the intimate spot between your legs it's swollen lustful beauty portrayed in a way you've never seen it before with beads of cum still dripping from inside pooling onto the couch. Quickly pressing your fingers between your legs to see if he made that part up but sure enough touching the cool sticky spot drying into the fabric, the person he drew is so familiar but so strange to see yourself so raw and relaxed so...happy.

Hugging the book tightly his voice startles you "I take it you like it?" A slight jump "oh my gosh! You scared me! I thought you were asleep, but yes I love it, I don't know how you do that, you draw me so beautifully it doesn't seem real." Sitting up learning over pulling the book from your grasp letting it fall to the floor, cupping your cheek into his hand softly speaking close enough to your lips to feel his press and part together "it is real, you are that beautiful in fact even more beautiful, I wish I could capture your essence the way it deserves." Softly kissing him while crawling forward into his arms spinning the cloak around the both of you "I love you so much it hurts Kylo Ren..." gently kissing your forehead "I know...just imagine how it feels to love you even more..." laying in his embrace the two of you almost falling asleep again before he quietly says "it's dark outside we should return to our quarters..." squeezing your arms around him tighter "no I don't want to move, I want to lay just like this in your arms forever...what if it's my last..." hushing you "stop, we aren't going to think like that you know it's not." Pushing your face deeper into his chest listening to the loud thumping of his heart "it could be...and if this is my last memory with you I want it to last for as long as possible...I don't want to let you go...I want to remember your dark hair softly fallen along the velvet I want to remember your warm bare chest and soft slow beating of your heart, your silhouette illuminated softly by the candle light, I don't want to think about tomorrow or Snoke or Hux or...death."

Cuddling his arms around you tighter repeatedly kissing your head "we can stay here, I'm not letting go...not now not ever trust me (y/n) you will not be harmed tomorrow...let's rest for now and worry about it in the morning...this moment deserves to remain happy." Smiling softly kissing his chest over and over as he rubs down your exposed back the gentle touch mixed with his warm rhythmic breathing begins slowly coaxing you to sleep, the last thing you hear is his soft deep voice "you are my forever, my loyalty belongs to the first order but my heart belongs to you nothing will ever hurt you my love...sleep...dream of our forever...I'll be right here dreaming of it with you."

**I'm sorry it took me so long to upload this time I hope the few extra chapters make up for it! 🖤 you guys!**

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