Wet dreams

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Arriving back at the shared quarters stepping inside knowing it's close to sunset 'Kylo shouldn't be too much longer, I guess I'll just relax until he gets here.' walking towards the bed letting yourself fall effortlessly onto the velvet comforter running both arms over the soft texture of it before rolling over onto your stomach grabbing into his pillow and pulling it into your grasp cuddling tightly. Taking a long inhaling whiff of the lingering scent from his intoxicating aroma "mmm why does he have to smell so good, is there anything not absolutely perfect about this man?" Holding the pillow tightly you begin to drift off slowly fading into dreamland, only this time it's not only Kylo's figure eagerly greeting you, instead it's you watching him as he kisses and rubs all over an unfamiliar body his hands grope and squeeze at small perky breasts with fingers playfully twisting their perfectly shaped nipples.

Confusion bogs the dream version of yourself 'who is he touching, I know that's not me.' Looking around the foggy scenery glancing down finally spotting your own legs perched off the corner of Kylo's dresser, slowly following their shape with your eyes it feels so surreal to envision yourself like this almost as if it's not really you. Looking down again noticing this time your own hand is rubbing at the spot between your legs, the girl Kylo is caressing let's out a deep sultry moan drawing your attention again. Everything feels so real, the cold dresser along your ass, the sensitive circulation of your own fingers around your clit, you begin questioning if this is reality or not. Finally the woman in his embrace turns around facing you revealing its Carmen as she grinds along Kylo's hips her gaze locks onto yours while bringing both hands up squeezing and kneading her exposed breasts, instead of feeling jealous watching him grip onto her hips with eager fingers traveling down to the place outside of her silk underwear rubbing to make her moan again, feeling incredibly turned on. Taking her finger motioning for you to come closer, scooting to the edge of the dresser hoping off the walk towards her repeats itself a few times replaying slower and slower before finally arriving inches from the both of them, without hesitation she rugs at your hips pulling while planting her lips along yours kissing soft and slow. The next parts fade in and out like a glitch, her hand moves from your breast to your stomach then with another glitch it is down your underwear pushing her fingers inside your core.

The sudden intensely realistic sensation jolts you from the dream, hazily the dim scarlet color of the room comes into focus before noticing its dark outside and Kylo is resting in the space beside you. Letting out a deep sigh relieved it was only a dream, slightly disappointed that he is already asleep you were really hoping to get to spend some time with him before tomorrow's big event. Slowly crawling off the bed removing your dress the heavy weight of quickly pulls it to the floor, contemplating grabbing some pajamas but deciding against it once the fullness of the cold air reaches your exposed skin making you rush back into bed covering yourself with the blanket. Slowly scooting closer towards Kylo softly tapping on his arm, without having to ask he sleepily lifts it allowing you to nuzzle against his chest with a sluggish sleepy voice "everything okay?" While slowly running his hand down your arm and back up the side of your stomach before moving his hand in a searching motion it feels the bare ness of your skin "are you naked?" letting out a quiet laugh "no I'm not naked...well not completely, don't worry about it Mr. sleepy head just go back to bed."

The room grows quiet before he shuffles turning on his side facing you "I didn't expect you to be asleep when I returned, so technically wouldn't you be the sleepy one? I didn't want to wake you...it seemed like you were enjoying yourself too much." Flinging open your eyes feeling your cheeks blush hard "uh what do you mean?" Grinning he responds "well when I came in you were dead asleep I tried to wake you for only a moment but the only thing I got out of you was what I could have sworn was sexual response, I didn't think anything of it obviously you must have been dreaming about what happened earlier in my office." Nodding quickly "yeah that's exactly what it was, just couldn't get that out of my mind ya know...it was just too hot." Flipping onto your other side facing away from him hoping he won't read any further into the situation, scooting closer his bare chest skims across your back before the slow dip of his arm wraps around your frame pulling you closer into him. Holding this position his head rests so close to your shoulder you can feel each exhaling breath, each one slower and deeper than the last making the hot air slide along your skin, eyes slowly rolling back to the tingling sensation it causes "Kylo can you um...scoot back your uh breathing on my back and it's kind of hard to try and go back to sleep you know..." the last part is replaced with a soft surprised moan just as his lips gently press into your skin, trying to finish the sentence with heavy spaced breaths "you know what that does to me..." feeling his lips part then slowly press back down the wetness of the space between them is hot and quickly filled by the soft dance of his tongue while he kisses and licks at the tip of your shoulder, deeply whispering along it "I'm aware...so about that dream?"

Tensing beneath him 'oh shit what do I say? I mean I could just tell him the truth but I already lied and said I was dreaming about us earlier, not entirely sure he believes that though...' trying to answer him while holding back moans as he kissed along your back moving closer towards your neck "well um...it was just us and instead of getting interrupted we were able to have sex while those troopers watched, it was super-hot." Softly his hand drags along your stomach slipping beneath your panties his fingers slide along your slit, groaning along into your neck "you must have been really enjoying it...you're already so wet..." holding in your breath as he pushes his middle finger through your slit slipping it deep inside. Biting your lip 'well I guess he believes it, good I don't have to explain my weird attraction to that woman.' the slow drive of his finger paired with his tongue licking up the back of your neck all the way to your ear where he gently nibbles on your lobe "mmm...uhm yeah it was pretty hot..." pausing for a moment before slipping in another finger the sudden filling makes you clamp around them, deeply whispering into your ear "so...who's Carmen..."

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