EP171: 2 Aishas 1 Elsword

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This episode is an parody of the 2 Girls 1 Cup nickname for the trailer of shock movie Hungry Bitches, thus is considered Not Safe for Elsword hence the codename for Bad Luck Fabian until it was decided Bad Luck Fabian was chosen as it parodies the Bad Luck Brian meme by replacing Kyle's head with Fabian's head. 

I highly advise all Elsword players, YouTubers and fans not to read this episode, thank you. Anyways, here's the synopsis. 

Seems like Elsword is bored of being alone and decides to go find someone who is perfect for him but it turned out to be a tough challenge for him to do. Here in Elrios, girls are different and each of them must be treated individually so guess what? Then Elsword will get into funny situations we can all relate to while looking for his true love.

And yep, we're talking about different type of girls when they are on a date, so enjoy.


Outside of the cottage, Elesis saw Elsword crying over an picture of himself, with her and Fabian then said to him "What's wrong, brother? Why are you crying? Is it because Fabian is missing?" Then he responded to her "Yes, he went missing 2 days ago! Seems like he doesn't exist anymore and I'm too scared to find Fabian on my own... Can someone help me find him?"

"If not, then I'll go alone so okay, sis?" Elsword said to Elesis then left


Elsword and Laby walks in to see Ariel, only for Laby to eat the popcorn much to the two's horror. Luriel gives Ariel a large popcorn and gives it to Elsword who also gave it to Laby but she ate it then grabbed an popcorn generator and ate all of it much to Ariel and Luriel's horror. As a result, Elsword got shocked and ran away to the exit of the auditorium.

Maple Campfire Site

Elsword and Rena sits in a log with an unnamed human male adventurer near the campfire, with her kissing him in the cheek and she caresses his left legs much to his horror that he went to where the adventurer is sitting at and that he ran away to the exit, with Rena hugging and kissing the adventurer.

Plum Garden

Meanwhile, Elsword and Eve looks at the plum blossom trees until Add came into the garden and saw her cheating on him then threw Elsword out of the garden, with him screaming.

Maple Campfire Site

While watching the campfire, Elsword now realizes Ain was crossdressing as a girl by removing his wig then the two gets shocked, with him running away from Elrios Studio.

After all of the rejections...

In the park, Elsword was crying until Hernia came with an tissue to cheer him up and Fabian. Later at the cottage, the two except for Fabian began to love each other, with Elesis and Fabian himself getting confused and looks at each other while the infant hedgehogs began to love each other too. 


Conclusion: I had no idea what to do with this episode, but Aisha doesn't appear in this episode hence the episode name and images. Here's the endcard.



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