Anastasia Campus Ghost Story

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Today, we're going on a mystery of what happened during the events of Elsword on Campus...

Elsword Fables Episode 185: Anastasia Campus Ghost Story (WARNING: NSFES!)

The episode starts with the camera taking place at the entrance to the destroyed Anastasia Campus from Crystalline Codex Season 2's Elsword on Campus where Fabian, Frostine, Fawn, Elsword, Aisha and Rena goes through the same campus. Aisha said to Frostine "What is this campus?"Frostine responded by "Remember the events of Elsword on Campus?" 

Suddenly, Crystalline appeared in front of the six and changes the time back to the events of Elsword on Campus prior to Anastasia Campus' destruction at the end of the episode.

Going back to Anastasia Campus and the destruction at the end of Elsword on Campus...

In Anastasia Campus' swimming pool (everyone is in their swimwear at this scene) where an drowning incident happened, Crystalline teaches Elsword how to swim by grabbing his hands to make him swim, until suddenly he was drowning and Frostine walked in the poolside, witnessing Elsword who is drowning and said to him "Elsword, are you okay? Let me give you my hand."

Suddenly, instead of Denif and Ain rescuing Elsword in Crystalline Codex, Add and Neve appeared and managed to rescue him at the same time when he was drowning, and Crystalline gave him a kiss of life. Frostine said to Add "Why didn't I save Elsword's life by giving my hand before Crystalline did?"

Add responded by "It's too late, Frost. All you're seeing was poor Elsword drowning, but I and Neve rescued him immediately." Later, the scene switches to the dormitory room where Elesis and Frostine argued over a dormitory room until Fabian threw a book at Elesis whom she dodged it and went after Fabian.

The janitors (possibly the GMs, also employees working for KOG Games) wonders what the hell is going on here, so they kicked both Fabian and Frostine out of Elesis' dorm room. After the incident at Elesis' dorm room, there goes a princess and dragon play. At the end of the princess and dragon play, Aisha fell on both Elsword and Frostine, leading to everyone (including the actors and actresses themselves) fleeing from Anastasia Campus who exploded shortly after everyone fled from the campus.

Crystalline laughed and changes the time back to present-day at Anastasia Campus.

Back to Anastasia Campus Ghost Story...

Here we are, back at Anastasia Campus' entrance, Elsword and Aisha got hypnotized and dizzy at the same time, with Rena, Fabian, Frostine and Fawn staring at them. Fawn said to the two "Are you okay?" Elsword shakes his head and responded to Fawn "I'm okay, Fawn, but I still don't feel good... Also, look at Aisha..."

Fawn looks at Aisha who was found unconscious. Fawn said to Elsword "Ah, you must be right! Who will then carry Aisha to go to this campus?" "Umm, maybe Rena may carry her." Elsword responded to her. Rena said in response "Then why should I carry Aisha?" Frostine said to Rena "As since Elsword told Fawn that Aisha was unconscious because of what Crystalline did, you must carry her."

Rena sighs and responded by "Okay, Tine." The six walks straight inside the campus, where the survivors waves at them and promises to bring them a room for them to sleep but suddenly everything went down. 

In their promised "room", Elsword, Aisha and Rena got their clothes teared off by someone possibly a spirit of the campus owner, Anastasia College's principal, leaving them naked. The three shouted "ANASTASIA!" Aisha said to Elsword and Rena "What are we supposed to do even through we're NAKED?"

Elsword responded by "We must find a solution to bring our clothes back!" "What is the solution to get ourselves our own clothes back?" Aisha responded by. Anastasia appeared in front of the three and said to them "In order to get your clothes back, you will need to make out with one girl." Elsword shouted at Anastasia "What kind of this piece of junk?!"

Anastasia responded by "Calm down, brat. There's no time for that nonsense you're saying." As a result, Elsword starts to sweat on his face and looks at Aisha then said to her "Sorry to bother you, but since Anastasia said that if we want our clothes back, she would say that I will really like to kiss you right now, is it okay?"

Rena said "Aren't you aware that Aisha will realize that you're kissing her?" As a result, Elsword who got curious kissed Aisha much to the point she woke up and didn't realize that he was kissing her on her jaw, neck, shoulders and the inside of her right palm.

Frostine (who is also naked like the three) opened the door only to saw that both Elsword and Aisha are seen somehow mating much to her horror that she tries to leave the campus naked, but Anastasia grabs her left leg that she was even forced to have a threesome with the two. Frostine shouted "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

At 4:00 AM, 2 hours after the wild threesome, everyone finally had their clothes back, except that Rena realizes that both Frostine and Aisha got pregnant, then got shocked and threatened Elsword with a blowgun and shouting at him "BASTARD, WHO WOULD DARE TO KNOCK UP EMPRESS ARCAN?!"

Wait! But that's another story!


Extra Scene:

Frostine (who is still pregnant) comes back to the Arcane Realm and explains to Froid about the threesome, and she said to him "Elsword Sieghart just knocked me and his friend Aisha Landar up with his baby, and what am I supposed to do with his baby in my womb?"

Froid responded by "Don't worry, Arcan. May your baby and you live."


Plot Twist: Anastasia got arrested for voyeurism and Frostine dies giving birth to her baby.

Conclusion: Since Frostine had a incurable illness meaning that she couldn't live longer, it is very unlikely that she'll survive in childbirth.

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