S7 EP10: Nasod-Cockroach Wars

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This episode is an sequel to Elsword Fables Season 5's Nasod Vs Cockroach so we'll recap the events of Nasod Vs Cockroach first with improved script by the fact that Ara has entomophobia and the actual episode will start. If you want to read Nasod Vs Cockroach episode, then click on the left corner of the fanfiction you're reading and scroll up as you can find the episode, thank you.

Eve looks at her house window and yawns, with the cockroach also yawning made her scream much to her neighbors' anger, with she hiding inside an blanket which caused Add to wake up and try to communicate with an cockroach but instead Eve forced him to hide with her inside a blanket.

The cockroach appears infront of Eve, making her scream and ran away from her house. At her house, Add communicates with an cockroach by waving his arms to it and it also waved its arm at him. In the bathroom, Add sees cockroaches, who are seen sitting in the big toilet, washing their face. When he opens the curtains, there were so many cockroaches in the bathtub.

The female cockroach blushed when she saw an human taller than her and Add closes the curtains. Next up, another cockroach sitting in the big toilet left the toilet and Add holds his nose then flushed the toilet, then he went to brushing his teeth with the cockroach also brushing its teeth.

Meanwhile at the backyard, Add eats an sandwich and the cockroach rushes to eat it but he pushed it away, then ate it. The cockroach said that it wanted an bit of sandwich and Add said to the cockroach "Fine, I will give you one.", then he fed the cockroach a bit of his sandwich until he heard Eve screaming from distance.

Eve comes back home with an insect trap infront of Add sitting in the couch to watch an movie of the Velder Knights being chased by an Dullahan while an hour later, the cockroach polices puts an danger sign on the cockroach trap. In Eve's kitchen, cockroaches are playing cards, stepping on knives and an chef cockroach putting salt into the soup.

Add comes to the kitchen only to get helped by an cockroach and Eve appears with an military outfit, putting insect spray while an cockroach tries to hit her with an slingshot but she starts to dodge while Add is feeding himself with the chef cockroach. He then fed Eve the soup but the chef cockroach appeared out of nowhere, making him push her away off the kitchen.

Add commands the cockroaches to get out of Eve's house and they did. As an result, he brings Eve to the dining room where he and her were eating soup. After eating soup, Eve puts the insect traps to the trash bin and stops the movie. The cockroaches pretend to came back and again watched the movie of Velder Knights chased by an Dullahan.


Eve and Add opens an cafe entitled Nasod Cafe. Shortly after Nasod Cafe opened, there was an enraged "Phoru" coming to the cafe and Eve detects the "Phoru", but it was an cockroach with Eve and Add attacking the cockroach, the cockroach ran away to one of the cafe's tables. In the cafe's tables, Eve used her hand to try to kill cockroaches but she has failed.

The cockroach came to Eve's hat, but when Eve tries to remove her hat, there were 3 cockroaches who were on her head and Add injured himself with his dynamos, with the two screaming for help. That is until Ara comes to the Nasod Cafe to check if there's no cockroaches or there's cockroaches in here. 

Inside the Nasod Cafe, Ara checks the counter and says it is cockroach-proof. After 2 anti-cockroach tests, she sets on the chair and Eve gives her the menu. Ara says that she wants a cookie, so Eve accepted that and goes to the kitchen. In the kitchen, Eve sees Add being tired of killing cockroaches.

Anyways, Eve gives Ara cookies and she ate cookies, but a cockroach came to Ara's head, as a result, Add tries to kill a cockroach but he accidentally hit her in the head much to the point that Ara woke up on the wagon outside of Nasod Cafe, who then left the Nasod Cafe. Add and Eve waves goodbye to Ara, with her also waving goodbye to the two.

Inside the Nasod Cafe, Add and Eve sees so many cockroaches much to the point that Add has the button to activate the dynamite and Eve has the dynamite. Eve self destructs herself, resulting in the fires that killed herself, Add and many cockroaches, with the Nasod Cafe burning except for one cockroach who survived the fires and left.


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