Chapter 31: Last Saturday Night

Start from the beginning

"All I am saying is," she said, "if Daniel wasn't so lucky, I would have won that game."

"Too bad you got eaten by the snake towards the end," said Daniel as he smiled at Zoey.

"Sometimes I think you cheat."

"Cheating in snakes and ladders is almost impossible," said Christine as I saw her shrug her shoulders. "That's if you have the super power to row the dice to the number that's most suitable."

"Morning," said Collins as he and Lee came towards us. "I see Zoey still hasn't gotten over that snakes and ladders game."

Zoey looked down at her empty plate, not daring to look up at Collins. "Not really," she said.

"Will all of BTW be meeting today to continue working on the song?" Collins asked as he looked at me.

"I have to communicate with them and see if it's possible," I answered.

"Well, I sure hope so. I told Yang Hyun-suk that you already started. He wants to hear it tomorrow, so I really hope you do make progress."

"I better go give them a call, then."

I drew my chair back and left the table. I later found myself back in the room I shared with Zoey. I went straight for my phone that was beside the bed lamp. It felt like it had stayed there for a very long time because I barely touched it last night.

I checked my lock screen and found no messages whatsoever. Maybe its because I hadn't turned the wifi on on my phone. After I unlocked it and switched on the wifi, notifications came flooding in almost at the same time most of them from social networks like Instagram and Twitter. I ignored them all as I went on my WhatsApp to check if there were any messages on the BTW chat group. But nothing.

"Strange," I muttered to myself as I sat on my bed. I decided to leave a message, but that wasn't going to be enough.

I decided to make a call to one of the BlackPink members. Jennie was the first member on my contact list so I called her.

I put my phone to my ear. Her phone rang but she wasn't picking up. I waited until the voicemail came up and I cut the call right away. Maybe she was still asleep or she wasn't so close to the phone. I called again and still her phone went straight to voicemail.

I called Jisoo next, and just like Jennie's phone, it went straight to voicemail. Something didn't feel right. Why were they both not answering their phones?

I went on ahead to call Seunghoon and this time, I prayed that his phone wasn't going to act like the others. Upon the third ring, he answered.

"Hello?" Seunghoon answered. He sounded sleepy.

"Seunghoon? Hey, are you still asleep?" I asked.

"Sam?" he sounded surprised and more awake. "Oh, I didn't notice it was you."

"Are you guys coming to meet us here at the hotel? We have a song to work on, remember?"

"Oh, oh, ya, we do..., ummm, eish.....," I heard him mutter something in Korean. "You said we can meet either today or tomorrow, right?"

"Umm...," I raised an eyebrow. Something was definitely not right at the moment. "Yes, I did. That's why I called to see if you guys are up it."

"Oh, umm, let me ask if these guys are up for it." I heard movement, like someone was pushing away the sheets to try and get out of bed. "I'll call you right back."

"Ya, sure."

Seunghoon cut the call and I couldn't help but wonder. Maybe the others weren't up for meeting today. It was for the best to have it cancelled.

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now