Episode 56: Mending True Bonds in Flames

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Everyone had gathered in the space station to discuss everything that has happened so far from their point of view while Nicole was tapping away at a holoscreen, searching through the database for anything relevant to use for the situation at hand.

"Having been led here by the Sol Emeralds, my world has already begun to enter yours." Blaze said with a small frown.

"What will happen to our worlds?" Cream asked worriedly.

Tails frowned in response "...I don't really know, but the worst-case scenario would be that everything will disappear as our worlds can't co-exist like this."

"Like trying to forcefully mold two stones into hole only for both to crumble away in the process, either those two Eggmen were awar of this or they're too dumb to know." Emerl said with arms crossed,

"That's terrible!" Wendy said in fright.

"This is worse than we stopped Brevon on my home planet." Milla said worriedly.

"Well we've got to come up with a solution and fast!" Sonic said determinedly.

"Luckily, you got the Chaos Emeralds in time. But we need to stop Eggman Nega first before working to fix all this." Areion said as he's currently healing Blaze.

"But the question would be here he is right now." Blaze said:

Nicole spoke up "I just found him, he is headed for a shuttle over at Point W."

"Then that's where we're going." Sonic turned to Blaze "You need to stay here Blaze, you haven't fully recovered yet."

"But..." Blaze wanted to protest but noticed everyone was looking at her in concern, especially Areion who looked apologetic "Okay then."

"Yeah, you can leave it to us."

"I'll leave a clone here to continue healing you while Sonic and I go and put a stop to all this."

"Okay, I'll...rely on you two." Blaze said with a soft smile.

"Good luck you two." Cream said happily.

"Please be careful." Milla said in support with Wendy  nodding as well.

"Alright then, let's get going Areion!" Sonic said before taking off.

"Roger Roger!" Areion had Nicole return to the S.A.C then following after him.

The duo sped through the space station with Nicole as their navigator, they soon found themselves racing through a tunnel way connecting to a large spaceship when the alarms started to bare with red light flashing. Areion and Sonic saw that the hatch was beginning and used their Boosts of their respective colors to increase their speed, managing to get inside before it shut completely and the ship took off.

"Nicole, take control of the ship while we go and look for Eggman Nega." Areion said, Nicole emerged from the S.A.C and was given the device before she headed for the cockpit. They begin searching the ship but weren't finding the evil doctor much to their confusion.

"Okay seriously, where is he?" Sonic asked with a frown.

Areion was about to reply when he got a call on the ECB-X wristbands and answered it "Moshi moshi?"

[Areion, I am at the cockpit but the controls are locked in autopilot and making it reenter the atmosphere. I am also detecting something large approaching the ship.] Nicole said urgently, then said thing slammed into the ship, making them stumble a bit.

The duo went to look through one of the windows to see a giant mech with the Egg Mobile located at the head with a mouth guard, it has spiky shoulders, big pillar-like hands with no fingers, and has a lower part in the shape of a triangle with three finlike blades around it.

Sonic: Adventures of AreionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora