Episode 73: Sweeter than Honey

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Two days after his return from Mobius, we find Areion in the training room in Freedom Fighters HQ as he was currently training with Milla and Wendy concerning their powers. It was another form of  apology for making them worry as he stayed in Mobius for too long and the former became saddened and jealous when she found out he and Nicole became a couple. So Areion decided to do this in order to make it up to them.

"Remember Wendy, Wind can not only be your strongest shield to protect but it can also be your most powerful sword to fend off anyone seeking to hurt you or anyone else." Areion instructed before he lifted his hand as it was coated in swirling winds "Before doing that, you need to form a connection with the very element which can be found anywhere and everywhere."

"O-Okay." Wendy responded with a stammer, she had been cross-legged on the ground with her hands closed together as air swirled around her.

Areion observed her carefully and nodded in approval of her increasing in controlling the wind. He learnt from Wendy and Carla that the former is a Dragon Slayer like Natsu, a Sky Dragon Slayer which mean she has the power to consume the air which energized her similar to how Natsu's ability to consume fire and strengthen himself upon doing so as a Fire Dragon Slayer. He recalled Wendy telling him that the person she and Carla are looking for is a dragon named Grandeeny who gave her that power and bequeathed the title Dragon Slayer. Any normal person would be loved it but Areion had seen and experienced crazier things so he believed her,  it the question is that comes to kind is where can a dragon be found?

Decided to shelf such thoughts later, Areion turned back to Wendy "Keep your concentration up for the more minutes and then you can stop, I'm gonna check on Milla."

Wendy have a mod of affirmation "Okay, Areion."

"Be sure not to strain yourself." Carla said sternly, being the mother she is around Wendy.

Then he walked to the other side of the training room to find Milla standing with her eyes closed in concentration and her body calmly emitting a green aura before stopping to find Areion walking up to her.

"Oh hey, Areion!" Milla greeted cheerfully.

"Hey there, Milla. How goes your training so far?" Areion asked.

"It's going greatly, I applied what you told me about using my powers in different ways and I've come up with a few good ones." Milla said with her tail wagging happily.

"Really, can I see them?"

"Sure, watch this!"

Milla held her hands in front and formed her Reflection Shield, then she moved her hands to the sides which made shield split into slightly smaller versions "I call it my Twin Reflections and I can do this..." she flung one of the shields across the room to hit a wall and dissipate upon contact.

Areion was impressed "Sweet, your Twin Reflection not only expands your defense but can also serve as a long range attack."

"I have one for that, can I have a target?" Areion took out a remote from his pocket and punch in a command to project a hardlight dummy for a short distance away from where they stood. Milla formed a floating Phantom Cube in front of her and began firing mini cubes from it at the target, effectively destroying it "And I call this one the Cube Buster!"

"Wow that's pretty good. Maybe you can use your Phantom Cubes as footholds to jump off in midair in combination with your Puppy Float to reach higher places." Areion suggested.

Milla's eyes glittered with excitement "Really? I'm going it to try it now!"

"I'll help, last thing I want is for me end up being Carla's scratching post because you got hurt under my watch."

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