Episode 45: Next Up

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"...there you fall, all done." Areion moves his hands way from Lilac with blue tribal markings glowing on his hands which symbolizing him using the Life Aspect before they disappeared.

"Thanks Areion, I feel a lot better now." Lilac said gratefully, sitting up in the cot inside the infirmary with Areion nodding in response. After their match, Areion went to visit Lilac at the infirmary and help her recover with his newly unlocked Life Aspect as well as getting the rest of the ninja gum off her hair.

"Your welcome, and sorry about the gum. But I have to admit that water clone of yours really took me by surprise since I didn't think that you would be able to do something like it." Areion said.

"Well I got the idea from your self replication and shadow clone justsu and thought of doing my own version of them, Tetsuo helped me in its development to the point of using as decoys though it doesn't exactly reach up to your levels." Lilac said.

"Well I gotta give credit where it's due. I can give you a couple of pointers to master your water clone." Areion said.

"Thanks Areion, I really appreciate it."

"No prob, I'll need to get back to the others for the next matches, I'll check in afterwards." Areion stood from his seat and prepared to leave the room.

"Okay, be sure to tell the others that I wish them good luck." Lilac said

Areion nodded in affirmation and left the infirmary before making his way to the waiting room where the rest of the competitors were, he had contemplated on going to the stands to sit with Milla and the others. The chestnut teen had also received memories from a clone which he had sent to Carol to heal her, quickly covering his mouth to hold back his laughter at the memories of the wildcat whining a bit about the fight. He arrived at his destination where Sonic took note of his entry.

"Hey there Areion, how are Lilac and Carol doing?" Sonic asked.

"They're doing okay after a little pick-me-up, although Carol is a little bit sore about her loss to Killlua especially since she didn't get to use all of her moves." Areion said.

"Can't blame her for feeling that way, the guy keeps making himself hard to figure out every time."

Espio then spoke "He is well aware there are many eyes upon him and is only revealing portions of his true strength as the tournament advances, a strategy frequently utilized by fighters."

"Then we'll just have to see how many cards he's got hidden up his sleeve when we match up with him.

"Hey, Scratch's back on the arena." Areion spoke up, direction their attention to the screen.

[After such an intense battle, we will now move on to the next match with the hopes that it will be just as intense. This match will be between Sonic and Espio!] Scratch said with the holo-screen displaying the portraits of the announced contenders as they appear on the arena with the crowd applauding them [And now the next theme of the arena is...] The arena is set on a small island plateau, in an area that looks exactly like Green Hill as it is surrounded with wooden bridges, waterfalls, and palm trees [...South Island!]

South Island!]

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