Episode 43: Speed vs Power

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"That was quite a match, don't you think so guys?" Areion asked as he continued to sit next to the girls as he watch the matches as its yet to be his turn anyways plus it's becoming nighttime.

"Yes, too bad Tails wasn't able to win though." Milla said sadly, the match they just watch wan batweem Tails and Barby. The fox fought along with some of his gadgets and creativity but Barby has proven herself to be quite skilled in terms of close combat and instinct which led to the decsive blow and moving on the the next round.

"He tried his best, he just need to involve himself more in martial arts to contend better." Nicole said.

"Is he a friend of yours?" Wendy asked curiously.

"That he is and he's even best friends with Sonic amongst others like myself, Tails is very talented in inventing many things like that S.A.C that Nicole has on." Areion explained.

"Sounds interesting, like what other kinds of inventions?" Carla asked.

"It's a long list, I even saw a plane in his lab some time ago." Milla said excitedly.

"We can tell you more about it later, I think they'll be announcing the match soon." Areion spoke as he saw Scratch standing at the arena like always.

[Ladies and Gentlemen, we're now moving on to the next match and I believe that's the one you've been waiting for, it's Sonic the Hedgehog vs Bunnie Rabbot!] the crowd went wild as the holo-screen display the portraits of the announced contenders before they arrived at the arena [And now the them of the arena is...] The arena is set upon the wing of a beige giant biplane, which is bordered with metallic fences [...Giant Wing!]

 Sonic was bouncing on the tips of his sneakers, just reading to take off at the signal of the match "Alright, time to party!"

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Sonic was bouncing on the tips of his sneakers, just reading to take off at the signal of the match "Alright, time to party!"

"Don't think I'll be going easy on ya!" Bunnie said with a look of determination.

[Now let the match begin!] Scratch announced.

Music Start: O2Jam OST - End Of Fight

Sonic runs to the front of Bunnie and performed a Spin Dash then shoots himself straight to opponent while enveloped in a light blue aura, Bunnie quickly used her metal arm to block the incoming attack for him to rebound her, Sonic sends himself back at his iooonnet to deliver an additional spinning double-kick to his target but Bunnie defended once more by deflecting the kicks with strong backhand then followed up with a spin kick "Sonic Ballet!" the hedgehog performed a aerial somersault which created a burst of in mid-air to quickly get out of range of the attack and land on the ground with a skid.

"Take this, Sonic Wave!" Sonic curls into a ball as if to perform a Spin Dash, however, he instead created a forward-moving ground-traveling shock wave, whilst jumping backwards from  recoil toward Bunnie who activated the boosters on her feet to take to the air to evade the incoming projectiles then she pointed her palm towards the hedgehog to fire blasts of energy, having set it to nonlethal beforehand. Sonic was using his speed and athleticism to evade the shots aimed his way.

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