Episode 50: A waterlogged Endeavor

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"Are you sure about this, Milla?" Wendy asked unsurely as she followed Milla along a pathway and oddly enough without Carla "What if Areion gets back while we're gone?"

"We won't be long Wendy, we're just going ask Cream if she'd like to help us with the making of the potion since she might know of where we could find the other ingredients besides the ones we gave to Areion then head back home before he does." Milla said assuredly.

The duo made their way to Cream's home which was near the coast as they approached the door and knocked on it a couple of times, not having to wait so long as it was opened by none other than Cream's mother Vanilla who asmiled upon seeing them.

"Oh hello there, you two." Vanilla said in greeting.

"Hello there Me. Vanilla, we're looking for Cream to ask for something." Milla said in response.

"Well Cream is at home and brought along a new friend, you can come in meet with her."


Wendy and Milla went inside and were guided to living room where they saw Cream and her Chao Cheese sitting with someone else. She was an anthropomorphic lilac cat with gold eyes and the tip of her tail being dark purple and a small gem on her forehead. She wears a long purple mantle-like coat of sorts with a gold collar and white tights, the cuffs on her white gloves are fuzzy and white, she wears dark pink high heeled shoes with white straps and fluffy cuffs.

Cream saw the duo and waved towards them happily "Hi there Wendy and Milla!"

"Hello Cream, we were looking for you and your mom told us you brought home a new friend." Wendy said.

The young rabbit nodded in affirmation "That's right, let me introduce you to her. Her name is Blaze."

Blaze stared at the duo rather blankly "...hello."

"Now you two sit down so that I can bring some tea for us all." Vanilla said before making her way to the kitchen while everyone else sat down and waited, it wasn't long that she come back while carrying a platter of a tea set and a plate of cookies.

Soon they were having tea together, Wendy and Milla began to explain their idea of creating a potion capable of healing and came over to ask if Cream wanted to join in the making of it with the long-eared bunny being more than eager but was hesitant since she wanted to spend more time with her new friend. The topic was then changed to Blaze who tried to wave it off but insistence from a majority said otherwise and she finally gave in, given the fact that they're so nice and polite in doing so.

"Do you came here to find your Sol Emeralds..." Vanilla thoughtfully.

"Why...why am I wasting time here sipping tea?!" Blaze thought while sipping said tea.

"You know, I suggest that you talk to Sonic or Areion." Cream said.

"Yeah, those too will be great help." Milla said in agreement, though she's more for the latter.

"Indeed they will, like they would have many times in the past." Vanilla said.

"Please don't worry. This is my problem, so I'll find them myself." Blaze said in refusal, though she felt a slight headache for a moment before it faded away for some strange reason.

Vanilla shook her head in response "Don't say that, I'm sure they'll be glad to help."

"I've spent enough time with them to know that they won't even need a reason to help you." Wendy was quick to add.

"In that case, Cream will show you the way. After all, we don't want Blaze to get lost, do we?" Vanilla asked.

"I said 'Don't worry'." Blaze insisted.

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