Episode 38: A Visitation

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Areion came down the stairs with a loud yawn as Kou and Yoru sat on his shoulders which they've been on frequently every since he returned home with Lilac and Nicole after they and Team Sonic defeated Metal Sonic as well as acquiring the robot's powers for him and his armor. Needless to say, Milla, Carol, and the Chao were rather upset with them for having not contacted them before leaving for their recent adventure. Areion apologizes many times for that and took to paying more attention to them, he helped Carl in her training more often in the training grounds and taking Milla and the Chao to places like Green Hill and Emerald Beach and played with them. All in all, they weren't upset anymore much to his relief.

"Now let's see what we'll have for breakfast this morning." Areion picked up a cookbook and scrolled through the pages to make several selections before he begins cooking "...Hmmm, these will do." he went to the fridge and used his speed to bring out the ingredients before while his afterimages turn on the stove and put out on the skillet and pots before creating a clone which joined him in cutting the in ingredients among other things.

Kou and Yoru watched as Areion and his clone put the ingredients into the skillet and lots to cook them it didn't take too long until they were done then they poured the prepared dishes onto plates and bowls which happen to be scrambled eggs, oatmeal, breakfast rolls and sausages before brewing up some green tea and jug of orange juice.

Areion waited patiently at the table until he neared footstapes and saw Milla, Lilac, Carol, and Nicole enter the kitchen before calling out to them "Good Morning girls, hope you slept well."

Carol yawned loudly "That we did, nice spread as always." she sat down on the chair the doing the same sans Nicole who sighed to her faerie form and went to sat atop Areion's whirlwind-shaped hair "What are you planning for today?"

"I'm thinking that we should head over to Knothole, it's been a two days since we dealt with Metal and his army. I think we've rested long enough and should go and check on everyone to see how they're doing."

"You're right, we did promise to return there." Lilac said after taking a sip of green tea.

"Can we come too? I would like to see too." Milla said excitedly.

"Sure, I was't planning on leaving you behind this time." Areion said fondly.

"Then let's finish this up before we head out." Carol began eating her breakfast a bit more quickly.

"Alright then." Areion dashed upstairs to change into his casual clothing and contacted Tetsuo about where he was going before he would drop by later, he went down to the living room to find the others waiting for him as they're all prepared for the trip "Now that we're all set, let's go."

The group went outside with Carol bringing her streetbike out of the garage and revving the engine a couple of times before getting on and wearing her helmet, Areion summoned Dragoon for Milla to ride on since he and Lilac will be running. Wit everyone prepared, they al took off with Nicole serving as the navigator as she had saved the route to their destination last time.
After a long trip, they had finally arrived at the outskirts of the village, there the group could see many of the residents hard to work in reconstructing their homes. The villagers caught sight of them and immediately cheered upon seeing the ones who helped them during the robots raid, Areion waved with a sheepish grin in greeting as he's still yet to get used to being complicated this much like students at his old school cheered for him defeating the bullies and so-called popular students.

"Wow, you three sure are popular." Carol said with a smirk.

"I guess." Areion replied.

They noticed someone approaching with Areion, Lilac, and Nicole recognizes to be Barby Koala who greeted them fondly "I was wondering when you guys should be coming back and I see that you brought some friends along."

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