Episode 40: Let's get ready to... STF

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Areion was standing in the middle of the outdoor arena of the Ryuga Palace, leaning forward and keeping his arms out with minor waving, almost in a feral fashion as he was currently being surrounded by a group of Phis wearing kendo gear Emerl summoned out for him. Areion beckoned then to come and attack them which they did with on rushing up to him from behind, he performed a front flip to drive his heel into the Phi's head with great force to launch it into the air then he leapt after it while igniting they very same foot with fire to perform a backflip kick to send it flying while burning up the at the same time into pieces before disappearing in blue pixels.

Areion landed back on the ground and quickly dashed sideways to avoid a palm thrust form one of the Phis then ducked low to dodge a roundhouse kick form another, the human took to the offensive by using an enerbeam to tap around d the outstretched leg to swing the Phi around to slam into the other Phi then he performed a barrage of punches before finishing the combo with a double punch to send them flying. Areion continued to follow up with the assault as he unleashed bursts of flames form the soles of his shoes to launch himself toward the airborne Phis like a slingshot then struck at them with roundhouse kicks back-to-back before finishing with a drop-kick as he landed back on the ground while the robots laid on the floor before disappearing.

"Very well done Areion, your battling prowess is definey improving." Areion turns to see Tetsuo hovering at the edge of the arena with a look of approval.

"Thanks Tetsu-jiji, I gotta  be at the top of my A-game if I want to contend with the other fighters in this upcoming tournament." Areion said.

Nicole walked up to Areion with a towel and a bottle of water in hand "Here you go Areion."

Areion gratefully took the items to wipe the sweat off and quenched his thirst "Thanks a lot Nicole-chan, I really needed that."

"You are welcome." Nicole said happily.

"I do seem to have noticed something rather interesting about your dragon-fire during your sessions and I want to bring it to your attention." Tetsuo said.

Areion looked at the spirit with curiosity "What is it?"

"I've been detecting short surges whenever you use the dragon-fire in combat which I'm sure  youmight have chalked it up slightly overloading when it."

"He's right, I noticed it too." Emerl said.

"Well that's weird, ever since I got these powers I never overloaded once, is it something I should be concerned about?" Areion asked.

"It's nothing negative. It just be more careful when using your dragon-fire, anything might happen. And there's another thing I need to bring your attention to."

"Which is?

"In this tournament, there's a large chance that the other ninja clans will be watching and you will be right in the spotlight."

"You're right but then again this could be the best way to let them know that the Ryuga Clan is returning after being gone and show them that we're holding strong too." Areion said with a grin.

Nicole then spoke up "We need to return to Emerald Town to pick up Lilac and the others before heading to Casino Park to sign up for the tournament."

"Oh right, not to mention what we need to pack up the luggage that we packed. We'll catch you later Tesuo, wish us luck:"

"That I will, knock em dead kid." Tesuo said amiably as he watched Areion responded with a thumbs up while placing a hand on Nicole's shoulder and dispersed in a yellow flash but then he frowned in thought "It is without a doubt that the other clans especially the Raiju clan are already aware of our return, I can only hope that we restore our clans' power to match up with theirs in due time."

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