Episode 65: Dethroning a King

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"I believe is asked you a question, how do you know who I am when I don't know who you are or never met you before." Silver said in a serious tone, looking at the human with wariness.

Areion was about to answer when Emerl suddenly interrupted him "Don't tell him everything."

"Why not?" Areion asked mentally.

"I'm starting to thing that this Silver isn't the one we know but is from the future of this Sonic's dimension. I see no point in revealing things which cause problems further down the line."  Emerl explained.

"I see what you mean." Areion thought before turning to Silver "The thing is is that I'm from another dimension so it's rather your counterpart whom I'm familiar with."

Silver quirked an eyebrow in response "That doesn't explain much."

Areion shrugged in response "We can talk about it later? Could you tell me what's happening here? I was outside the castle, dealing with something and came back to meet all this."

"...very well then, I've journeyed from the future to find this 'Sonic' and destroy him." Silver declared, bringing shock to everyone around.

"Oh boy, talk about déjà vu." Emerl said.

"Yeah." Areion thought.

"So, who is Sonic?" Silver demanded,

Sonic and Scourge immediately pointed at each other "He is!"

"You coward." Scourge muttered.

"Okay, it's technicality but still." Sonic muttered.

Silver glanced at Metal Sonic "Wait a minute...I recognize this robot design. So of this Metal 'Sonic' is blue

Sonic let out a groan as he crossed his arms "And here it comes..."

Silver snapped towards Sonic and sent him flying into a pillar "I have you now, traitor!"

Areion immediately appeared in front of Silver, holding a fist towards his fist while its coated in blue electricity. He even noted that the Robin Hood hedgehog was also aiming an arrow at Silver.

"Yield, lest I be forced to end you."

"You wanted me to do this." Silver retorted, Areion glanced at the Robin Hood hedgehog and detected no shift in emotions.

"What I desire, sirrah, is an explanation."

Silver angrily pointed at Sonic who is being helped by Amy "During your time, one of the legendary Freedom Fighters turns on the team and destroys them, dooming my future. Only Sonic is remembered as having the kind of power capable of doing that!"

"Wouldst you take a life on legend alone? Art thou so combined after seeing him for naught a moment?" The Robin Hood hedgehog asked with a frown.

Silver opened his mouth to respond but hesitated upon hearing he question and began to feel rather unsure of himself "...but it makes sense."

Areion shook his head in response "Dude, one thing I've learnt so far is that legends aren't always accurate. Sonic may be one of the strongest Freedom Fighters, he's also the most loyal and bears a strong moral compass. The guy would rather hang himself than betray any of his comrades."

The Robin Hood hedgehog nodded happily in agreement "The boy speaks the truth. His power may be legendary, but is nothing compared to his heroism." He gestured for Siover to see Sonic defend Amy from Rosy despite being slammed into a pillar.

At the moment, Areion caught movement from his left and quickly leapt into the air taught as a green blue closed in on them, revealing to be Scourge who knocked Silver and the other hedgehog to the ground with a low sweep.

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