Episode 46: Going at Full Throttle

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Arion sat cross-legged in his room with his eyes closed in deep meditation, the chestnut had dived into his mindscape for some mental training as his body instinctively stabilizing itself for the incoming battles. Inside the headquarters armory, Emerl sat on a stool while silently reading a comic book about the Justice League battling Amazo as Areion paced around thinking of hero names for his armor.

"I'm not just Areion Ryuukaze. I am 'Mecha Man'! Areion began with his names "No, no. I am 'The Terminator'!" Areion thought for a second "Nah, that one's already taken!" He tried again "'Yellow Copy-Bot'!" he shook his head again and facepalmed "Mou, hero names are difficult!"

Emerl simply looked up from the comic he was reading "I kinda like Copy-Bot, but it doesn't sound right. But I want to tell you something."

"What is it?" Areion asked in concerned.

"...I want to fight Sonic..." Emerl said quietly.

"Huh?" Areion blinked in confusion.

Emerl stood up from the stool and closed the comic before looked at the human in the eyes "Let me possess you so I can fight Sonic."

"But why? Why do you want to fight him? Is because of what happened to you back at the Death Egg?"

Emerl just sighed and said "Because I want to fight him again." Areion looked at him in surprise as he continued "Ever since I died, I was sent into your body and watched you become strong ever since you were born, and training with your grandfather. You never knew you always had my power, they were never activated which means that was all you before we met, I was always with you and never even knew it! You, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and everyone else had taught me to never give up and become strong, just like you and me both have. Together we'll protect this world, save lives, fight for the sake of humanity and achieve your dream of becoming the next great hero, as a two-in-one warrior known as 'Giz-X'! It's short for Gizoid-eXtreme!

Areion stood silent for a moment before he smiled and worked towards Emerl and patted his back "You know, I've never come this far without you, my world, this one, and the tournament ."

If Emerl had an actual mouth, he would smile right back "Yeah we did, the armor's been upgraded."

Areion quirked an eyebrow at that "An upgrade, how come?"

"It was when you unlocked that Azure Drive thing when you fought Natsu. And speaking of fight, what do you have a plan of I should do when the battle starts?"

"Not really, since we copied Metal Sonic, we can now predict the real Sonic's moves, meaning we if we're going to battle Sonic, we have to fight like Sonic." Areion said with a smirk.

"Sometimes I forget that you can formulate plans rapidly while in the middle of actions."

"Yeah, speaking of action, it's almost time for the semifinals so we need to get ready."

"Alright, I'll wait until then fight starts, but first we need to tell Sonic that I'm fighting in your place."

"Right." Areion nodded before he realized something "Wait, what if everyone else notices you possessing me, and how we're you with me before I was even born, Sonic and the others would be adults now but why do they look the same in my dream?"

"Oh that, I'm guessing time here is a lot slower compared to yours or I've been sent to your world in the past, since I've been with you for fourteen years, and as for me possessing you, got that covered." Emerl stretches his hand out before it was covered in a flash of blue light which died down to reveal a special pair of sunglasses with light blue lenses and a silver frame.

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