22. *Mysterious Envelope*

Start from the beginning

I felt my fist tightened along with my heart when I thought about her being growing up to no family. If I hadn't known about her background I would've never even guessed about her being an orphan. I meant no offence to orphans but she was just so kind. Her behaviour, her smile and everything. When someone grew up to no family those kids without their knowledge would grow up as an introvert and shy person. They unknowingly sometimes got bitter and they wasn't at fault because they had no one to guide. But, she was different.

Before coming here, when I had asked Marcelo about where they were actually planning on going, I didn't like the idea of going to an amusement park. But he had convinced me by saying how much she'd like it because she was a girl and blah blah blah. So, I couldn't say no even though I so wanted to argue. But now after seeing her this much happy I didn't have a problem anymore and I didn't regret coming here because I got to see her smiling face.

'Someone sounds like a love sick puppy!'

I was walking behind with Marcos while Marcelo and Maya were walking in front of us. Even though I didn't like how she was excitedly exploring around with him and how she was sometimes even touching him, I tried to not react because of how happy she looked and I knew she was comfortable in his company so I let them enjoy without interrupting.

"She's something else, isn't she?" I heard Marcos saying. As usual I didn't say anything. I knew what he meant but I chose to not say anything.

I then heard him chuckling. "I know big brother that you'd never say it but it's ok you don't have to." He then gave me an amused look. "I'm your brother after all. Even if you don't say it, I know what's going on inside your mind or should I say heart!"

We reached another stall, I saw her and Marcelo walking towards it. Marcos and I stood by the side. I turned towards my brother, "I know exactly what you're trying to say. And if you really know me as you just said then you must also know that I don't think with my heart Because I don't have one." I said in a hard tone.

"Whatever you say big brother." He said smugly.

I took my phone out and thought to give one of my men a call. "È tutto sotto controllo? Hai trovato qualcosa o chiunquedi sospetto?" I asked in my hard authoritative voice.
(Is everything under control? Did you find anything or anyone suspicious?)

"Si capo, È tutto sotto controllo. Niente di sospetto." He said and then I disconnected the call.
(Yes boss. Everything is under control. Nothing is suspicious.)

I put my phone inside my pocket and as I turned around I felt my blood boiled. There stood three guys looking more like staring at her. She was so engrossed in fun and enjoyment that she looked oblivious to them. My eyebrows furrowed when I noticed that she was standing alone. 'Where the hell did Marcelo go?' Now that I looked around I couldn't see Marcos as well!

She was looking at the handmade accessories that were displayed on the stall. I took long strides towards her. 'Let the fuckers know that she ain't alone.'

Marcelo's P.O.V

Well, it looked like our plan was working. Now you must be thinking what I was talking about. So, the thing was we (Martha, Gaby, Enzo, Marcos & me) had planned on making big brother realised his feelings towards Maya.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now