21. *Someone's Jealous!*

Start from the beginning

"Take a picture it lasts longer." And at that very moment I decided to take a sip of my orange juice. Wrong move. I coughed as I covered my mouth with my hand and tried to not spill it out of my mouth or nose.

"You okay." Marcelo chuckled as he started to gently rub my back. I wiped my mouth with napkin and accepted the glass of water Marcelo gave me.

"Don't tease the poor girl Marcelo." Gabrielle scolded him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." He said. "I just saw her admiring my naked body so I told her to take a picture since it lasts longer." He teased. I blushed when I noticed that now everyone must've heard him. 'What they must be thinking?!' It was embarrassing.

A loud clearing of throat made me look up at the person and I saw him looking already at me with his intense dark brown eyes. But this time there was some other emotion in his eyes. It was something scary as if he didn't like something. I looked away from him and continued eating my breakfast.

Massimo's P.O.V

I didn't have any problem with Marcelo walking half naked in my house since he had always been like this the mischievous one and I just didn't see any problem in that. If he found it comfortable then let him be. But now when I noticed her looking at my brother's naked torso, I wanted Marcelo to go and wear anything to cover himself up.

I knew both of my brothers were handsome, they were Romanos after all. I also knew how women would die to just get a look of them since they had perfectly shaped bodies. But I didn't like it even a bit when I noticed her looking at Marcelo's naked torso. As stupid as it might sound but I just wanted to either push Marcelo away from her eye sight or to cover her eyes so that she couldn't see him.

'Someone's jealous!'

I fisted my palms when I look admiration in her eyes. I scoffed mentally. Ofcourse she'd like what she was seeing. Theses girls! The moment they see abs & chiseled torso they start to drool like kids! 'As if you don't drool when you see a girl's cleavage or thick ass!' Okay, my subconscious mind might be right but still!

A naughty smirk came up on my lips as a thought came up in my mind. 'If she thinks Marcelo's body is fine then I want to see her reaction when she'll see my naked tor- body. She'll not just see my torso but my whole naked body!' I felt my buddy down there getting a little excited at the thought of her seeing us. 'I can't wait for her to not just look but to touch me as well especially there!'

I cleared my throat as I tried to adjust my pants without getting noticed. My eyes then went towards her and then as if sensing my gaze she looked up at me while still blushing a little. I didn't like the fact that she was blushing because of my brother's naked body!

We didn't hold each others gaze for that long and she continued to eat her breakfast.

"So, since we've decided that we are going to spend some family time here," Marcelo said mentioning about his & Marcos' decision of living here for a while. "I think we should go out and enjoy instead of wasting time inside doing nothing." He completed.

"Yeah great idea I was thinking the same thing." Marcos agreed.

"Well, this is good. You all should surely go out and enjoy but I'm afraid I can't join you guys because I'm returning back today." Father said.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now