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Draco's POV

Mcgonaggal informed me that it's time for our shift to patrol, it's time for me to pick Hermione from the Slytherin common room since Potter sent her there to rest, he actually told me to come with her but i decided to stay beside him. This place give me nostalgia. A lot of flashbacks came occuring to my brain, every inch of the wall and corner of this place. I'm going to the dungeon as if i'm about to go back to the common room to get some sleep after a long meal at dinner on the Great Hall. God i miss this place, if only i spent my precious time here being a decent person, it would've been the happiest moments of my life. I spent all my life being doctrined with hate, i was the boy who doesn't have a choice. I owe Potter more than anything, it was so gentle of him for forgiving me and giving me a second chance, in front of the aurors, the Weasleys and to the Hogwarts students and teachers.

When i had a chance to step my foot in the Hogwarts ground, it was not the same, we're about to have a war in a few moments. I arrived at the Common Room and asked one of the students where is Weaslette's room. I knocked the door and saw Weaslette sitting near the window, looking at god knows what.

"Knock-knock" I said

"Oh hey Malfoy" I can definitely tell Weaslette is crying and she hurried to wipe her tears as soon as she heard my voice, no wonder she's crying.

"Weaslette" I smiled.

"Coming to pick up Mione, huh?" She asked


There she is, i saw her angelic presence in her sleep. Everytime i watched her sleep, i can tell that i had a mixed feeling towards everything. I sat beside who already curls herself to bed. I never thought how can she be so strong after everything that she's been through and she still managed to put a smile on her face everyday even though the pain stays there, being bullied by me for the first three years, obliviating her parents just to make sure she can help Potter to find Horcruxes. Potter told me back then they're running out of food supplies due to Ron's injury.

At first they apparated to London because they think they can't be found and they can just try to survive just like the rest of the citizens, that's not until two death eaters attacked them in a cafe, which makes them had to stay away from crowded place, they camped on a forest and moved from places to places. Making sure to not be seen, the part that shatters me the most was when the Snatchers found them and they had to run for their lives, they havent eat for days but they had to run. He also thanked me because i told my parents that i didn't recognize them. We all know it was a lie, it's obviously Potter because Weasley and Hermione was definitely there.

I have lived my life recieving everything i want, i have never experience anything like what Potter, Hermione and Weasley did, that's why i kept taking whatever kind of foods from the table because i'm so bad ad this survival thing. How did they survive? Hermione obviously, she was there alone surrounded by death eaters, i'm one of them when my aunt carved her hand with a knife. And then there were the loss of Fred, i heard Hermione and Fred dated during fifth year.

Weasley sort of realized that i have been staring at her for a while.

"You know what Malfoy you dont have to give her that look"

"What look?" I asked trying to hide whatever im feeling right now.

"That guilty look"

"I wasn't-"

"You don't have to hide anything Malfoy. Just make sure Harry and Hermione are safe."

"Thankyou Weaslette"

Apperently Hermione heard our conversation and she immediately woke up.

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