You gotta be joking

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My alarm rang at 7 am in the morning. I go straight to the shower to take a bath, cook some breakfast, and getting ready.

After i arrived at my office, i went straight the the CEO's room asking where should i start my job, the CEO told me that i'll be working as the marketing officer of this company, and my workspace is on the 7th floor, he also mentioned that i have will be assigned to work with a partner, and he's a boy. I wonder who it could be, hopefully he's nice enough and can handle my bossy-ness so that we could work together.

When i arrived at my office, i sat on my workspace and the CEO's secretary has given me instructions on what to do, and i understand thank god even though i had no experience on marketing. Around a few seconds after she explained to me on what to do, a blonde figure came to the room and the face seems very familiar. Oh my god, is that who i think it is? Is this person going to be my new partner for the rest of the time as long as im here?!

"I'm sure your partner will be here soon. Ah he's here, Meet your new partner Mr Dr-"before the secretary could finnished, i snapped

"Malfoy?!! "

" Granger?!" Malfoy snapped back. He almost dropped his belongings because of me.  We kinda snapped at the same time.

"This happens to be my workspace" He stated.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" I asked confusedly

"Ah so you know each other, this is going to be a lot easier i assume, goodluck on your first day Hermione" and the secretary left. My head is full of questions, i really want to ask him about everything but i can see by the look on his face that he needed space. After the secretary left, the room became very quiet, but i just cant handle it, i want to know everything

"Never thought i would find you in this kind of place, i thought you hate muggles" i said

"Have you been stalking me,Granger?" He snaps

"In your dreams! Why would i stalk you. Besides if you forgot, i'm a muggle" His annoyingness never changed since day 1 in Hogwarts.

"The man in the Leaky Cauldron told me you stopped by and stayed for a night. I thought you're staying with Weasel-Bee" His habits never changed, he didnt even look me in the eye while saying that, he is too focused with his precious green apple. It has been his favorite food since day 1

"It's Ronald Weasly, Malfoy for your information. And no, i'm no longer living in that place anymore"

"Wait, How do you know i was staying at the leaky cauldron?" It took a moment for me to ask.

"I own that place now, Granger, he told me a friend of mine from Hogwarts stayed here for the night, i thought it was Pancy, but you left pretty early, i asked him where you're heading"

I didnt answer him, anything.

"Aren't you supposed to be the golden trio the golden couple the golden whatever your little group is? What happened? Weasle-Bee knocked a girl up?"

When Malfoy said those words, who he thinks is supposed to be a joke, i froze. Suddenly it strucks back to that day, the day where Lavender came and changes everything, the day when Ron showed up after months where i expected him to hug me and tell all of the stories of him during the training but ended up wouldn't even bother to look at me. Tears started dropping on my face, i cannot handle the pressure. I miss Ron, i miss everything. I think Malfoy notice my tears.

"Yo Granger?" I still stayed silent, i heard footsteps.

"God i was just kidding. Why are you-" He tapped on my shoulder but i shoved him away

"Yes! He got a girl pregnant and that girl just showed up yelling on Harry's wedding day! Satisfied?!"

Draco was like full of shock, and he was staring at me for 10 seconds, i bet he realized he screwed up.


"I can't stay here"

I ran outside my room to get some fresh air, i can't keep crying like this, especially in front of Malfoy. I need to gather my shits up, pretend like nothing happened. This is a fresh start, i can't let anybody ruin that. I can't believe i screwed up on my first day. Fuck Malfoy. After a few minutes of me trying to calm my nerves i decided to went back to my room. I need this job in order to survive. It would show up in my recommendation letter if i resign on my first few hours of work just because i couldn't handle a partner. It would be very unprofessional. I need this to work. Come on Hermione, you got this.

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