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After i calm myself down, I went back to my room without looking at him, i went straight to my desk and continue whatever i have to do for today. It was silent for a while, we didn't talk much. I'm guessing he felt guilty for whatever he said earlier about Ron. He should be. he's an adult now and he cant keep bringing his bully habit to this world.


Finally, its 6 o'clock, it's time for me to go home, yeay. I didn't say goodbye to him, i was about to snapped myself through the door, but surprisingly, he stopped me.


I didn't answer.

I can feel footsteps, he's coming to my desk. He patted my shoulder.

"Dont you fucking touch me" he's surprised, but he still stayed silent.

"What do you want huh? Now you want to mock me for a failed relationship?"


"You know what? I used to be silent when you and your precious friends made fun of us Gryffindors for years, not to mention what your family did to us. But not anymore.I know we don't like each other back in Hogwarts, but since we're now partners and i need this job tos survive-- if you don't have anything nice to say, you better shut that mouth of yours and do what you have to do and i do what i have to do. Don't bother me and i won't bother you. Don't you talk to me unless it's necessary, you understand?" I raised my voice

"I- okay if that's what you want" He sighed.

"Now will you excuse me? You're blocking my way, Malfoy"

" i apologize for what i said earlier" Really? A Malfoy? Apologizing, that's something you don't see everyday, especially when it comes to Malfoy.

"What?" He smiled, and then he opens the door

"I just you know want to reduce the tension between us since..." he stayed silent, he couldn't find the words because he is indeed a bully.
" I-i never thought i screwed it up again.I didn't know what happened between you and Weasle"

"I appreciate it" He smiled.

"After you?" I just smiled awkwardly and left as soon as he closed the door without looking back and went straight to my apartment.


I rememberd arriving at the Leaky Cauldron at 3 in the morning. For now, i need a place to stay temporarly, anywhere but not the Weasely's house. I can't spend another second in there after i heard the shocking news.Arthur was right. It is not safe for me to walk here in the middle of the night. I should've stayed and left early at dawn. London is not safe during midnights, i'm walking alone. Im scared to death, anytime i passed the darkness, im afraid my horrible experiences will happen again, but thanks to magic and the authority given by Mcggonagal for me, Harry and Ron to use magic outside the hogwarts, i could apparate easily and decided to stop by at the Leaky Cauldron. I decided not to stop by at the Grimmauld Palace because it was empty and im afraid of loneliness, plus it's the auror's headquarters, the family will know that i'm gone.

"Excuse me, hi, do you still have a room available for at least just 1 night?"

"Ah Miss, you're too late dont you see that we're closed" He said without even looking at me in the eye.

I sighed. "Very well then" Before i opened the front door, i realized he looked at me and knows that it was me, he recognized me.

"Miss Hermione Granger? Is that you?"

"Yeah it was me. Hi How are you"

"What are you doing here in the middle of a night?" He asked curiously.

"I sort of left the place i was staying, it's a long story, but do you have an extra room? Just for 1 night, well not 1 night, i'm leaving in the noon"

"Yeah apperently we still have a room available, let me take your suitcase"

I remember we walked through the dining room before we went to the stairs. I remembered a corner when i had a debate with Ron when he accused Crookshanks (My Cat) hurting Scabbers (His precious pathethic rat). I smiled but didn't realized that a single tear dropped from my face.

"Miss Granger" He Called me, again.


"Your room is upstairs first door on the left, Number 102"

"Ah yes, thankyou so much, you're very helpful"

"My Pleasure" He left me as soon as he handed me my suitcase. I remembered this was the room i used to stay when before we went to the station, it gives a lot of throwbacks. I knew that staying at the Leaky Cauldron was a bad idea, everything in the wizarding world reminds me about Ron. but i have no options left, it's 3 AM in the morning, i need a place to stay at least just for 1 night, after that, i'm out of the wizarding world for good.


To be honest, i felt really bad and guilty for leaving this place, not just the Leaky Cauldron, but the wizarding world in general, it's the place where i grew, it's the place where i found my second family. It's heartbreaking to leave, but i have to admit that staying here will just hurt me more, at least for now, i need to calm myself down.

"Hi Goodmorning, how much is it?"

"The owner said it's free"

"It's free? Really? Well thankyou"

"Are you sure you have to leave?"

"Positive, thankyou so much for everything"

After i left the front door, it just bothers me, i can't believe im leaving this place, i dont know when will i come back, i'm sure i'll took a while for me to recover and go back to this place.

With heavy hearts and full of tears, i took a final look back to the world who has changed my lives, the world who has been a witness of me growing up and living the best of my life. goodbye

I Promise i will never forget you.

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