Don't Tell

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"Dad,i- I can explain"

"Thank goodness i cant sleep tonight" Dad said sarcastically.

"Please tell me you're not doing what i think you're about to do"

"But Dad, I cant st-" i was about to come up with an excuse

"Do you realize that it's 1 am in the morning, and you decided to leave?" Dad turned the lights on.


"What were you thinking, Hermione?" He raised his voice

"D-dad please you're waking the whole house"

"I-i'm sorry, but seriously, what were you thinking Hermione?" He lowered his voice this time

I was silent, honestly, i don't know what was i thinking, all i know is just i need to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"i-i dont know"

"Hermione, i know you're hurting and feeling very vulnerable right now, and i understand that a lot. I deeply apologize on behalf of Ron, even i knew it changes nothing, but just because  Lavender is soon going to be married to Ron doesn't mean you have to  leave." He said

"I am talking to you as a father who has a daughter too, it's late and where do you think you're going to crash at this time of night?" He askedb

"I dont know, i'll think of it later"

"I already consider you like my own daughter Mione, please dont leave"

"I can't dad, she's going to live with you sooner or later, i cannot  just stand watching the two of them being together even though Ron  didn't love her, i cannot stay any longer in this house as long as there  is her, i cant spend another minute in this house after i heard the news. But, i promise,  i will be coming back someday, after i can get Ron out of my  mind and heart"

Dad cannot say a word, even though he really wants me to stay because  he's worried about my safety if i leave in the middle of the night.  Arthur has been a perfect father figure to everyone in this house,  including me, i know that im an outsider, but the Weasly family welcomed  me with an open arms. Arthur really wanted me to stay, but he really  understands my position deep inside his heart. I promised myself that no  more tears and no more sadness.

"You dont have to leave now Mione, its too dangerous, with the death eater are still out there, i can't just let you wa-"

"I dont think im going to stay in this wizarding world, Dad. Im going  back to the muggle world. i cant bump into Ron in the middle of town  with his wife and child. I just can't it's just too much"

"This is going to be my last night in this house, and the wizarding worl, for now" I continued.

"I understand, i really wish you will be the one who got married to  Ron. I dont think i can treat Lavender the way we treated you Mione"  said Dad

"You have to get used to it, Dad. Whether you like it or not, the  baby in her belly is a Weasly, it has Mum and your blood, he/she is soon  will be your grandchildren, do this for me dad, please. Whether it's a mistake or not, It was their descision" Tears started dropping.Again.

"It would be selfish of me to still force Ron to just abandoned her  and only gave her money every month, and marry me. I will be haunted with bad dreams every night  if that's the action that i'll take. She and the future baby needs a  father figure. They need Ron. It hurts a lot by coming to a descision  like this believe me, but it is for the best."

"So this is goodbye?" Asked Dad

"Yes, but believe me dad, my leaving has nothing to do with you, or mom, or any of this family.  You guys have been so kind to me and welcomed my as your own biological family, I will never forget you and Mom, you'll forever be part of my life. It's just i can't deal with Ron right now"

"Are you sure you dont want to wait until dawn?"

"No, the sooner i leave the better. Bye Dad. Send my love to Mom,  Ginny, Harry, George, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Angelina, and Fleur" i  hugged dad tightly

"I bet they wont let me leave, and i'm afraid i might cause another drama" I added

"I will, be safe Hermione. Promise me"

"Thankyou for everything"

and after that, i apparated and left the house and the family that has made me feel like home in a verge of tears and with heavy hearts.


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