She's In Danger

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Ginny's POV

I was preparing myself because i knew as soon as Mum found out, she will be furious knowing that Hermione and Malfoy left our home. I was sitting with Harry preparing our excuse for Mum untill...

"Ginnyyyyyy!!!!" Ugh. Okay i can do this

"Yes Mum" I hurried myself to go downstairs

"Hermione and Draco's stuffs were gone? Did she left?"

"Um.." Suddenly the excuse that i prepared with Harry faded away from my brain. I don't know what to say. We both know that  Mum will be pissed.

"Ginny. Did you and Harry just let them leave in the middle of the night?!"

"Mum they had to leave because they got a job at London that they had to take care of, it was their bosses orders, i can't just forbid them to stay.."

"No! No Ginny you dont understand, those muggles may think that this whole chaos were related to the government or something, but the Muggle Prime Minister dont think it was a coincidence, there were no explanation to this destruction at all"

I was silent, i knew that my descision may come to confrontation between me and my Mom, and of course, the whole family.

"It was all over daily prophet, the death eaters are building an army again, and they had deployed their search for Draco and Hermione. Why? Well you know why. I spoke with Mcgonaggal last night and we believed that the fall of the ministry might happen again. If that happens the search of Hermione, Harry and Draco will be the wizarding world's top priority, including the aurors. That's why we kept Hermione here to make sure we're safe. The sword of Gryffindoor that Hermione kept were believed to be the weapon that can kill Bellatrix. That's why the death eater was looking for them."

"We need to get them back here" Dad added

"No we can't just get them back here this second"

"No Gin, you don't understand, we have a Mole"

"A mole?" What the Hell is Harry talking about

"It means somebody knows about the information that Hermione and Malfoy lives in London. We believe the cause of the London destruction and murderer is because they're looking for the both of them. At least that's what the minister of Muggle Minister think"

Just after seconds of me, mum, dad and Harry arguing, the daily prophet mail came to us, and on the front page, it says that there's Chaos at the Diagon Alley, a lot of shops were destroyed and Mr Olivander and some shop owners are presumed missing. Which made me think, why would the dearth eater want Mr Olivander? There has to be something we didn't expect.

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