My Worst Nightmare

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"Victor, hi" i feel a little bit nervous

"How are you?" I asked him

"Im good i believe the last time we met was when we were in Hogwarts"

"The Tri-wizard tournament, yes" it was such a long time ago

"No, the battle, we  didnt officially met but i saw you, but i dont think you saw me, you  were pretty much very busy with whatever you're doing back then"

"That is so nice of you  to come and help, Oliver Wood told me that he brought someone who's  familiar to me, i'm guessing he meant was you"

"yeah it was me"

"So you're married, she's gorgeous"

"Well yeah, actually  ever since the tournament, i cant get my eyes off of you, i agreed with  Wood's offer to came to Hogwarts during the battle not only because i  want to help, but i was actually coming to see you, but i think we were just  meant to be friends since you know"

"Oh, Im so sorry Vic im with Ron now"

"Yeah that is understandable, so where is he?Haven't seen him in a while"

"um.." About that.. I honestly don't know

It was dinner time at  the wedding, Krum and i were busy talking but then a random girl crashed  the wedding. She was not invited but i seem to have met this girl  before.

"Where is he?! Where the hell is he?" suddenly all the music that the band were playing stopped, the place become silent. All eyes of the guests were to her. The Blond haired- Lavender Brown. Molly came towards her.

"Who are you talking about, Lavender?" asked Molly

"Ron, Ronald Weasley!  Where is he" suddenly when i heard Ron's name i became even more  suspicous and curious than ever. This does not look good.

"He's not here" Molly added

"Why are you looking for Ron? He hasn't come home for a month" i answered her calmly and trying to hide my tears

"i met him at a club  around 3 weeks ago near the Knockturn Alley. We both we're so drunk and  we.. he got me pregnant"i was shocked, everybody was shocked in the venue, she was kind of screaming, so everybody pretty much heard what she said.  I didnt know what to do, it was  like my heart was shattered into millions of pieces. It was like my life  just end. He got a girl pregnant.

"He did what? That's impossible, i dont believe you"

"He promised to take responsibility but now he was gone out of nowhere" Lavender started crying.

"My son would never do  something like that, he loves the girl who is talking right in front of  you, lady" Molly suddenly yelled at her

"How dare you just  crashed my daughter's wedding and suddenly yelling at Ron's name  accusing him of something that he didn't do" Molly continued and  suddenly a red hair figure showed up in the dinner ceremony. It was ron.

"Lavender, what are you doing here?" he didnt greet Mum, or Harry, Ginny, his brothers, Dad or me, he just went to her. Ginny and Harry immediately stands up from their dining table and  came towards me and keep holding both of my shoulders. As much as i really want to burst into tears right now, i feel really bad to Ginny and Harry because of my drama, their wedding turned into chaos.

"Ron, where have you been?" Harry asked.

"Ronald Weasley! Where  have you been all this time? A random girl came and crashed your sister's wedding and  claiming that she got pregnant to your baby, is that true?!" mom started  yelling, i could tell by the look on her face that she was embarassed

"Mom.. im really sorry  for the mess i made but can we not do this here, please can we talk  in private" Ron tried to calm her down and left to find a quite place to talk with Mum and Dad.

"Wiat here dear, be strong" Mum whispers to me before he went to a room with dad and Ron.

I cannot believe what i  just witnessed. The man who i i really want to be my husband since 4th  year at Hogwarts got another girl pregnant, while in a relationship with  me. God. Why does it has to be Lavender? I've always been jealous to  her, but why does this happen to me, i really want to lock myself in a  room and cry but i have to remain strong since this is 2 of my mega best  friends's wedding, i dont want to let them down.

I cannot hear what mom  and dad are trying to say, but i could read her mouth saying that "Im  really disappointed in you Ronald" im guessing that it's true.

I guess that i dont have  any rights to stay at this place anymore, my position will soon be  replaced by that Lavender girl. It would be very selfish of me to keep  forcing Ronald to still marry me when there is another girl who got  pregnant, even though everyone in here knows that Ron loves me more  than her, Ronald and Lav's incident was because of a one night stand and he needs to take responsibility for what he has done no matter what.

As much as how happy i am for Ginny and Harry, i couldn't focus anymore, it's too much, the pain Ron caused makes me ill and want to puke.

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