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Draco's POV

Screw Potter for ruining my moments with my boo. I hate him, i swear if it's about girls i will beat his arse.

"Having moments with Mione, eh?" He joked about it.

"Shut up, you're ruining our moment you know" I was still annoyed. But i can tell Potter's about to laugh

"Oh my god" he got shocked

"What?" I asked

"You guys did it already" he covered his mouth

"No we did not! And lower your voice" i hit his arm, stupid Potter who cant stop laughing.

"I'm sorry but this can't wait. It's important"

"What?" I asked, And then he handed me a moving newspaper, which i know is the daily prophet. With the headline news that makes me furious and afraid at the same time 'MAJOR ESCAPES FROM AZKABAN: COULD THE WAR HAPPEN AGAIN?' and on the next pages were pretty much the same articles about the escapes, but some of them uses my name and Bellatrix's too. Well that's understandable since they have no idea where i was all this time. But what i'm sick about is that Daily Prophet supposed to me the media used to spread news, why are there still writings that has no concrete proof at all.

"What is this?" I asked

"I don't know but it's something big and concerning. Been the talk of the wizarding world for days"

"If you're asking me whether i had something to do with it, i don't. You can use your veritaserum to testify" I said.

"Well ignore the you part, i know it wasn't you, you're with Hermione this whole time"

"Why does the ministry still hires Rita Skeeter when she writes nothing but conspiracy theories and garbage?" I immediately throw the newspaper.

"Hey. Calm down, we all have been Skeeter's victim. What's more important is that we know it wasn't you, but we can't really tell the world since the both of you asked us to keep it a secret" Harry explained

"Is that why you came here with Weaselette?"

"Yeah, i need to ask you a favor"

"Ask" I answered

"We can't protect you from the wizarding world, but i need you to keep an eye on Hermione. I know that they won't come here, but i'm very sure your aunt will be looking for you because you're the last heir of the Malfoys. So I need you to move together. But do you remember our 6th year when suddenly a bridge broke before a chaos in Diagon Alley. We dont think it was an accident, a photographer caught a photo of the dark mark on the sky"

"Come on Potter we're pretty much just 2 doors away"

"I know but i need to make sure that you both keep each other safe. I need to know the both of you are safe. The reason why i asked this is because i can't protect you from the wizarding world, or go check on you guys 24/7 because the aurors are very busy, plus Hermione will never agree to move to the wizarding world again. I mean not for now, but that's all you can do."

"I'll talk to her first thing in the morning"

"No wait until we went back. Please, for me"

"Sounds so wrong Potter"

"Focus, Ferret. You're the only one i can depend on to keep an eye on her. I'm not asking you to come back if the war starts, but please keep her safe."

"If the war starts i have to come back. All of this happens because of me. My aunt is ambitious you know? She will try to find as many followers as possible, and that includes me"

"Fine. But keep an eye on her while the Aurors and i build the army, again"

"I will"

"I have a plan. Ginny's baby shower is just a few weeks away. She promised that the both of you will come. So, if the situation gets worse, you should not get back until it's all clear"

"Yeah whatever you say, captain"

"You're one of us now, we'll do whatever it takes to protect you"

"Thankyou Potter"

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