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Draco's POV

Potter may have a point here, maybe it's best if Hermione just stays hidden here. She was always the bravest person i've ever met and i feel sorry for her. I used to bully her by calling her names but she managed to proove me wrong, i knew i made her cry during 2nd year but she's still on the top of her class, she even punched me in 3rd year.

This time, ever since the war, i can see fear in her eyes and she's like Haunted, feeling jumpy everytime i called her name. I can see that ever since Potter told her that Bellatrix is alive. I wouldn't blame her though. But i can tell that she wants to go, she really wants to conquer her fear.

"You're going to do what Harry asks you to do aren't you?"

I just stayed quiet. I need some time to think. In one side,i want to keep her safe, i need to, away from all of this drama. But at the same time, i can't just leave her here, away from me or Harry or the other aurors, alone. I can't be focus leaving her alone here all by herself without knowing whether she's safe or not, i can't contact her. Should i just leave her? Or take her with me? She has the Gryffindor sword which we believed that the death eaters are looking for them. In some way, i really want to just stay away from the war, I'm so done with that and just want to live my life in peace ever since i'm proven innocent at the Wizengamot. But no, i can't just run away from the chaos that i used to be part of, i somehow feel that im responsible and should be the one and need to put an end to this, i'm very certain that my aunt is looking for me and she's the type of person that won't stop until she get what she wants which is the Gryffindor sword, and me.

"I still need to think" I replied calmly.

"Draco, it's not safe for me to be here alone, we both knew that there is no serial killer in this state. It was them all along, the reason there were 5 people in our company got killed is because she found out, that you and i were here, she wants us to hand ourselves to her especially you. We need to end this" Hermione has a point too. Potter and Weasly wouldn't last their adventure without her.

"I need to proove that i can do this" She added

"Babe who do you have to proove? You have been the hero ever since the start. The golden trio who saved the day, the wizarding world and the world. You don't have to proove to anyone anymore. I know you want revenge of what my aunt did to you but-"

"But what? It's not about revenge, Draco. We should put an end to this."She asked

"I can't loose you"

"You're not, and you wont, i promise. Please, take me with you."

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