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I can't believe i'm crying in front of a Malfoy. This is New York, a city i've been dreaming to visit this whole time and while i got the chance for free and I'm crying? Why did i keep mourning about the things im supposed to forget? It's time for me to walk out and set myself free from this drama. I can do it, i can, and i will. Come on Hermione, enough with the tears, he's not coming back, and he will not, he has a new family that he has to take care of. When are you going to realize that it's not going to work out? Stop being silent, say something to him.

"Alright enough with the misery, let's do something fun" He said trying to give me a hand. I still froze.

"Come on Granger we're in New York, when else are we going to come here if its not for office duties. Come on. You dont want the spend the rest of your free time mourning about that weasle-bee are you? He's not worth it trust me" He's trying to broke the silence, i can tell he's trying so hard and got bored because of my distress.

"It's weasly for the record, but where do you want to go?" i asked confusedly

He was thinking for a while and keep looking back and forth to find somewhere to hang out with, i bet its the first time for him to be here either. He handed out his phone and was typing for a few minutes, which i dont know what he's doing to be exact.

"Alright, why don't we go to a pub?"

"A pub? You're not planning to get drunk are you?"

"Well, a beer would be nice. " He answered, i can tell he's trying very hard to convince me.

"We're having a conference tomorrow, Malfoy." I tried to deny his offer.

"It's just beer, Granger. Come on lets have a little fun while we have the free time" He's trying his best right now. I remained silent and my heart is battling with my brain whether i should go or not.

"Unless you want to go back to your room mourning about Weasel-Bee and cry until to your beauty sleep." Why does he has to quipped me, that git.

"Alright, alright i'll go with you, but do you know where?"

"There's this thing called as the GPS" He said while trying to quote what i just said earlier, such an ass.

"Screw you" I said

"Take that as a compliment, after you my lady"

We walked for 15-20 minutes. This city actually never dies. At least the place i'm staying at, the city lights never makes me afraid to walk alone. No wonder it's been my favorite town and a place i've been dying and dreaming to visit.

"Granger, there's a pool table! Come on!" He grabbed my hand before even i answered him, trying to rush going to the pub.

"Why so hurry, Malfoy?"

"Alright, whoever looses, pays for the drink"

"You're onn" I'm not scared at all to recieve a challenge. I like challenges. Especially when it comes to a Malfoy. But playing a billiard is not really my thing. Plus i'm noot that kind of girl who just ran away when someone challenges me, even tho i'm suck at it. But come on, how bad it can be?

After 2 hours of playing and i can see Malfoy is almost drunk, he won. What? He Won? I have never lost a challenge before, but it was a close call. But yeah what can i do? I have to accept my defeat and pay for our drinks.

"Malfoy, can you walk?"

"I think i'm going to faint"

"I am not carrying you to your room again. Dont you realize you're so heavy?"

"Can we stay here for a while? I mean i don't want the boss found out i was drunk"

"Fine. But i cant stay long, i'm afraid my lack of sleep will affect my concentration tomorrow"

"Stop worrying about works and duties and tasks and live a little will ya, trust me. You'll be fine"


-Half an hour later-

After few moments of laughing and making fun of things around us, i think it's time to have some rest. Honestly, i have never seen this side of Malfoy before, all i know about him is his sence of mockingness and bullyness ( I dont know if it's even a word) but i can tell he's got a good sense of humor tho. I lowkey enjoying the time i have spent with Malfoy tonight.

We arrived at the hotel 10 minutes later, apperently the pub that Malfoy and I visited was not that far from the Hotel, thanks to Malfoy and his GPS so we dont have to walk that far. Its 3 o'clock in the morning oh my god, what have i done. Tomorrow determines the fate of the company while i was having fun and drank beer the night before? What were you thinking Hermione.



"I had a great time"

"Same, hug?"

"No in your dreams" Instead of going to his room, he approached me and put his 2 arms round me roughly. Asshole. and then he ran and waved to me

"Byeeee Grangeeeer"

Wow, i just hugged a Malfoy

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