A New Start

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"What can i do for you Miss....."

"Granger, Sir" i decided to go to the bank to make sure that my parents have left me some money because they promised me if they die all of their moneys, houses and everything will be belong to me.

"Oh my god, you're the Hermione Granger? The daughter of Thomas and Jean Granger? First of all, I am very sorry for your loss, it was a very tragic murder in this country, the murderer hasnt been found until now, the police are running out of theories"

"Yeah thankyou" Well of course the murderer hasnt been found, the one who killed my parents is Voldemort and he apparated to my house using magic and apparated back using magic, no wonder to survillience camera could caught a single scene on what happened, also Voldemort is dead so i really hope the case will be soon closed because im tired of anyone asking questions about my opinions towards my parents's death mystery and the "murderer who hasn't been found" yet.

"Well it was written hear that everything that belongs to Thomas and Jean Granger will be belongs to Hermione Granger, here's your card and is there anything else that i could help you with?"

"No thankyou very much" i smiled and left 

After i went to the bank, i decided to find a flat near the city, i cannot stay in the Leaky Cauldron forever, also i need to find a job, i cannot depend on my parent's money forever. Ugh i hate this, i dont have friends and all i dont even know where to start, except...

I decided to owl Mcggonagal to owl me a certificate in order for me to make a CV for job appliances and she sent one to me an hour later.

Since I'm now in a muggle world right now, i am able to use my gadget to find any advertisements about companies who are hiring a job position or anything, and got it found one, i tried to use my GPS to find the adress and it's not that far from here. I changed my sweater into a casual shirt and long pants.

When i arrived, i was asked to go to the 12th floor to have an interviewed by the CEO of this company. The interview went well and i finally got the job im so excited! And the income is quite high i could save up some money for my savings. My first day starts in 3 days so i still have time to relax before i have to get up very early, but actually i dont mind with that because i used to be the girl who wokes up first in the Gryffindor common room before anybody else.

After this i tried to find a flat, and i found one and decided to buy because it was like love at first sight. The flat is very beautiful and very afforadble.

It's in the center of the city so it's pretty much very close to the mall, hospital, restaurants, cafes and anything

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It's in the center of the city so it's pretty much very close to the mall, hospital, restaurants, cafes and anything. After i paid the apartment fees, i decided to go back to the Leaky Cauldron to grab my bags and everything and apparated back to the flat, thank god nobody saw me, or i will be in big trouble. Thank god for Professor Mcgonaggal's privileges for me to able to use magic ONLY inside my room so that it wouldn't be as struggling as i thought.

The next day, i decided to go on a grocery shopping, buy anything that i need especially foods because i eat when i feel sad, and t makes me irritated whenever i have an empty fridge and after that i just go around the town to refresh. Well living in a muggle world wasn't so bad after all, except we cant do magic and have to rely on our feet since i can't afford a car yet. But since i belonged here, i know i can manage, if everybody can and so can i.

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