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I was busy packing my stuffs and things i need to bring to USA. It's almost midnight and my clothes aren't even in my suitcase right now, shit. But finally, after 30 minutes of organizing, im fully packed and ready to have some beauty sleep.



What the hell? Who would knock my door at 2 AM? At first i thought it was a prank but it keeps knocking for 5 minutes straight. Why cant i sleep peacefully.


"Hey beautiful"

"You're drunk"

"Can i crash your place?"

"Not gonna happen ferret"

"Don't call me that babe come on"

"Let me take you to your room". Ugh i can't believe i'm helping a drunk Malfoy to his room, because there is no way he's staying in my room, plus i wouldn't dare leaving him wondering in the corridor. But i'm amazed, his room is silver-ish and obviously well decorated.

"You're having a business trip in a few hours, why on earth would you get wasted, Malfoy?". I can tell he is totally passed out.

"Where's your room" i asked while trying my best to carry his heavy body.

"There" When i entered his room. I was amazed but tired at the same time, he's so heavy. I dropped his lifeless body on his bed. Before i leave, i heard Malfoy trying to say something.

"Take my key, wake me up tomorrow, please?" Since when does a Malfoy says please.

i rolled my eyes.

"Don't you want to change my clothes, babe?"

"In your dreams ferret"

"Here, change" I only gave him a random tshirt and some jogger. I threw it right on his face actually. I'm not going to change that Ferret's clothes.


I woke up by the loudass alarm. I cannot be late. Damn, i am still struggling with this muggle thing. I used to be ready in 5 minutes with a makeup on and a hair curled on. I cannot just do magic because not just because it's in a muggle world, i'm afraid that Mcgonaggal is going to find me, and asks questions to the Weaselys why am i in London. I cant afford to face them now. I dont want to be found. Even though she allowed Harry, Ron, and I to use magic everywhere as long as we're not caught. This time, i have to do it manually by myself.

After im done with everything. I gathered my things that i need to bring to my office not very far from my flat, and now i have to wake the ferret up for goodness sake. I opened the door and finding him still on the same position as when i left him last night, but he was shirtless now.

"Malfoy, wake your arse up! We have to be in our office in an hour!" I asked. there is no way I am  going to wake him nicely because it's one hour left yet he isn't awake yet.

"What the-" He said while covering his body with anything he can find because he's still processing everything.

"Why are you here , Granger" He asked confusedly 

"You told me to wake you up last night, you were wasted"

after a few minutes of processing everything, and he realized that he's shirtless."Enjoying the view, eh Granger?" He smirked

"Shut your mouth and take a shower! I'm leaving" Why does he has to be so annoying.

"No No No wait for me" He immediately sit himself on the bed.

"15 minutes, Malfoy!" I reminded him because i dont want to arrive last minute, i need to go to my office to make sure i didn't leave anything behind.

"No i cant be ready in 15 minutes, i haven't even packed yet" He seem in a panic.

"You what?! How come you haven't pack?!" You got to be kidding me. I was so furious with Malfoy. He's always so intimidating. Okay focus Hermione, now isn't the time to debate. I went straight to his drawer and throw every clothes i can find out of it.

"Grab your suitcase just put whatever clothes you want.

"I'm kidding, wanna join me?"

"What?" Suddenly i heard a loud- ass lough from him.

"I already packed Granger" He laughed his ass off.

"Fuck you Malfoy. Just Get ready I'm leaving"

"W-wait! Who's going to to tidy this mess?!" He screamed. I didn't realize that i caused a lot of mess because of the random clothes i threw due to the panic.

"Obviously not me!" I screamed back.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"There you are. Come on we have to go now or we're going to be late!"

"Sorry, Granger" Malfoy said. I know it's weird hearing a Malfoy apologizing but i know this time he wasn't serious. I hate him for making me late. I haven't been late since i was 11. I should've never wait for him. We arrived at Heathrow Airport around 45 minutes after. We checked in, and after that i decided to find something to eat since i havent had my breakfast yet due to waiting for the Mr Draco Super late Malfoy. I also would like to look around. After buying some omelette, sandwich and some milk. I went back.

7 and a half hours later, we arrived JFK airport and are ready to head to our hotel to get some rest. It was tiring even though we booked the first class seat. Thank god today we have a free activity until tomorrow morning. We will have the briefing for the seminars tomorrow. Thankgod for us having a decent CEO. We can have the room for ourselves each. I can finally have the time to rest and spoil myself in some hot bath.

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