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I woke up screaming. I just realized im having a nightmare about that night at Malfoy Manor, again. Gods, it's something i don't want to remember ever. I think i might need a psychiatrist, i don't want to sleep, i'm afraid those nightmares will come again. I might want to get some fresh air outside. Maybe a little walk outside might help me calm my nerves. I decided to grab my jacket and went downstairs to calm myself down. After i went out from the Hotel. I found Malfoy sitting on the front bench of the hotel.

"Malfoy, what are you doing?" I asked

"Stalking me, babe?"

"Cut the shit, i'm serious"

"I can't sleep"

"Oh" I dont want any pep talks with him, i just want to clear my head and go somewhere.

"Where you going, Granger?"

"I'm going for a walk" I didnt hear any respond from him but then i heard footsteps trying walk towards me, or maybe pass me. I looked to my right and saw a blonde figure which happens to be Malfoy walking beside me.

"What are you doing?"

"Following you like what you used to do with me"

"Will you ever stop being a git?!"

"What? Dont you want some company? This is a foreign place, it's not like you're here everyday, what if you dont know your way back?"

"Since when do you care? There's this thing called the GPS" Excuse me? Since when does a Malfoy cares if i'm alone.

"I can't let you walk alone by yourself". It actually hit me hard, why does he act differently nowadays, he used to hate me, Harry and Ron. He doesn't even want to talk to me, why the sudden change? But who cares, i could use some company.

"SInce when do you care about me being alone or not?"

"Okay Granger here's the thing, we're currently partners in a muggle company, don't you want at least you know reconciliate? If you're missing, then the boss will ask zillions of questions to me"

"We were never friends Malfoy." I snapped.

"I know, i know what i did to you was unforgivable but since we're going to be partners till god knows when, don't you want to fix things, it might help our teamwork"

"I can be professional Malfoy, I'm very good at that" I snapped, again.

"I know"

"I honestly don't know" I answered that because i honestly don't know, i still think that what he did back then crushed me. It wasn't just the bullying but the way he let his aunt torture me and he did nothing back then is something else. It's more than that. 

"But maybe we could try" I sighed. For the sake of our teamwork, and for moving on,i never know if i don't try.

"Thankyou Granger" 

I smiled without looking at him and started to walk. 

After 30 minutes of walking and smiling by myself because of the beauty of the TImes Square, i decided to find some place calm and quiet to just ponder about this hideous life. When i decided to stop apparently Malfoy also decides to stop and just playing with whatever he has on his phone.

I love being in a quiet place. Just staring at the surroundings. I love it.

"Where did you learn using a phone?" I asked

"Well my father bought me one since 4th year, so it wasn't much of a struggle" He answered.

And then there were awkward moments of silence.



"Does the Weaselys know you're in here, in London?"

"No, i left" I answered, honestly i have zero idea why would i answer this questions that probably will create other zillion of questions from Malfoy.

"Have you try to contact them?"

"No, i just cant, yet" i honestly dont understand why im telling Malfoy this.

"Aren't they looking for you?"

"Yeah they are, i haven't return any of their calls and messages"

"What happened?"

"Ron and Harry had an auror training, but he left early due to having a fight with his seniors, but didn't come home, instead he got wasted and got a girl pregnant, remember that Lavender Girl? When he came home we already found out that Lav was pregnant. He didnt even greet me, he was just focusing to not make a scene. He hasnt contact me since he left." i can't believe a single tear dropped from my eye. I didnt realize until Malfoy was embracing me, like am i dreaming or something? After a few seconds of those awkward moments, he realized it was too awkward.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to, i just caught up in a moment" Since when he's being nice?

"It's fine" I was still trying to wipe my tears

"but by the way He didn't owl you?"

"Not at all"

"Owls are allowed during auror training, Im sure Potter is giving a lot of owls to that Weasely girl"

"Harry? How did you know?"

"Nevermind," He said.

"Anyway, Im so sorry to hear that, Granger, no one should experience that pain" he added.

"Since when do you care, Malfoy?"

"Since.. i dont know, imagining it hurts me even though im not a girl"

"I really want to stay there, its been my home since Hogwarts, but i just cant"

"So you just, left?"

"I left a note to Arthur and Molly"

"Why dont you stay?"

"I dont have any right to stay anymore, i will be replaced by her"

"Why dont you go back to your parents?"

"Um.. dont you hear the news?"

"What news?"


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