How did You Find me

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New York was super fun. I wish i can go back there someday and being able to explore the town all by myself, i don't think a week is enough, i think i might need 2 weeks or three. I cant wait for another business trip and hopefully they picked me to accompany the team or represent the company, can't wait for the adventures. Learning the cultures and exploring the environment is deinitely my thing since Hogwarts. We arrived at London at midnight. It was so tiring because i'm still so sleepy but i still have to take care of the team's visa and luggages. Screw Malfoy for not doing anything and handing it over to me to handle it all by myself. Thankgod we have some day off due to jetlags, thank you boss!

I still have those dreams back where we were in New York, the good memories, the fun we had together. The craziness. I really wish i can go back there with the same people and spend every minute with them without having to worry about work. What i love about my co workers are they remain professional even though there are times we need to do some work and there were times that we're going to have some fun. Believe me, they're totally different when it comes to that parts. My boss felt great and happy because he said that take this experience as team bonding.

I was still unpacking my things and putting it to the washing mashine since i havent got time yesterday to do it because i was very tired. Until i heard a knock on my door. I knew it's Malfoy since there's a doorbell on my door but he still decides to knock. I told him the laudry is on the 2nd floor. Why should he knock my door just to put laudries. He really needs to try to be independent and not just rely things on me. 
"Now what does that Ferret Wants"

"What do you want Malf-" I suddenly stopped what i was about to say. I was in deep shock because who i saw standing in front of me wasn't the blonde figured Malfoy. But it was a red head girl and a boy with glasses which happens to be the one and only Ginny and Harry. I definitely dont know what to say, there was a few silent moments between us because i'm still processing what the hell is going on. How did they find me? I havent return any of their calls and Messages.

"G-Ginny" I was still dont know what to say. I was still in shocked and full of surprise. Ginny hugged me tightly.

"Hermione you're okay" A few seconds later, Harry bumped in and hugged the two of us.

"Hi. C- Come in" I was still in deep shock and still full of confusion how the hell did they find me.

"Hermione we missed you. Dont you miss us?" Harry said concerned

"I-i do miss you guys how are you" I tried not to be awkward.

"Hermione, you don't seem plesant that we're here, why?" Ginny asked

"N-no Ginny, i'm just surprised. You guys are the last person who i thought would find me here" I stated. There has been a few moments of silence.

"I just can't face him, okay?" I added

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Ginny asked.

"Ron" I said

"Hermione, why did you run away without saying goodbye? Even to us?"

"Do you want something to drink" I love both of them. But i just went home from the place of my dreams with my former enemy filled with nothing but fun and joy, why would they bring this up?. I can hear the both of them keep whispering, i bet they're arguing about what they should say to me.

"Mione" Harry opened a conversation.

"Okat, It was a mistake i know, but as soon as i found out about Ron, i can't stay any more minute in that House Ginny, Harry i hope you understand. Every corners of that house reminds me of Ron, while i know he's not mine anymore" I said

"We know we understand, but are you out of mind? In the middle of a night? Why can't you wait till dawn, dont u see it's dangerous to walk alone with the fact that the death eater are still out there?"

"I know Harry it was a mistake but what matters the most is that i'm here healthy as a horse without any wounds and harms, i have a job, i'm totally okay. I didn't tell you guys because i can't stand crying about goodbyes, i just cant Harry. And i can fully bet you wouldn't allow me to leave"

I know Harry was still concerned about me and still have a lot of questions about everything, but Ginny knows that i'm not okay whenever they or anyone brings Ron into our conversation.

"But-" Harry was about to say something but Ginny cut him off.

"We understand Mione, we're sorry for pushing you to tell us this, it's just we're worried about your safety that's all. And we're not here to bring you back. Now we see you here healthy and safe makes us feel less worried because now we know where you are. We promise we wont tell Ron and we'll give you space"

"Thankyou so much Ginny i appreciate it"

"By the way i have something important to tell you" Ginny said

"What?? what is it?"

"I'm pregnant!"

"Oh my god that's amazing, congrats you guys" I hugged them all tightly

"And Mione i know you're vulnerable right now but it would mean the world to us for you to come to our baby shower even though we know it's 7 more months, we'll do it in our house and the family will come too" Harry said

"Of course i will come, i promise. I wouldn't miss it for the world" I said while embracing Ginny.

"But by the way.. how did you find me?"

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