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After the wedding ended, the whole family decided to have a talk with Ron. Apperently after a long talk between Ron and the rest of his family that takes forever. Ginny came and told me that after he got dropped out of the ministry, he went to a club and got too much to drink, he got wasted and met this Lavender girl, who is also got heavily drunk at that time. It breaks my heart, why does it have to be me. What hurts the most that i have to remain strong because it's my best friend's wedding, i can't just ruin the vibe.

Ginny and Harry also seems to be embarrassed, not just because of what Ron did, but because their wedding has been the talk of the wizarding world for weeks, and even they dont want to admit it, i can see it in both of their eyes that they felt embarrassed and disappointed of Ron's drama that ruined their wedding vibe. Not to mention that this news will be on the front page until perhaps next two months. Even though Harry and Ginny will go on a honeymoon in two days but they are certain that Harry will face a lot of questions by his colleagues and Ginny who will face whispers and stares whenever she goes somewhere, and everything happened because of my ex boyfriend.

I tried my absolute hardest not to drop a tear, i had to be happy for Ginny because it's her day, i didn't want her to think of anything besides her happy day with Harry.

"You know you're always welcome to stay here as long as you like, Mione. Even though you're not going to be married to Ron" said Harry trying his hardest to cheer me up.

"Hermione, you don't have to be like this" Ginny patted my shoulder

"Like what?" I asked

"Pretend to be strong" Ginny stated

"It's okay to cry, Babe, dont you once think just because you're in my wedding and you're not allowed to feel sad, i was so angry at Ron too believe me, and i feel really sorry for you" Ginny hugged me tightly. I cried harder.

"You dont have to do this" i cried.

"Do what?" Ginny asked.

"Be nice to me after what happened" i explained

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked

"This. I put to much burden to your family because of my illness" I explained

"You're not ill Hermione, i spoke with the healers, theese medications are only to calm yourself" Harry explained

"But you didn't need to take your meds?" I tried to deny

"Hermione not everyone has recieves the same treatment as you" Ginny tried to calm me down

"Plus the drama, it will be in the daily prophet's front page." I sobbed

"Hermione it wasn't your fault" Harry stated

"ITS YOUR WEDDING DAY!" I raised my voice.

"Listen to me for once okay? This happened because of Ron. This war has been hurtful to all of  us, don't blame yourself for recieving treatments from St Mungos and focus on the problem. He dissapeared, distract himself from the mess he made by getting drunk and knocked a girl up and then ran away from his responsibilities.. Of course Lav would come here, where else she could find Ron other than in his house" Harry tried to calm me down.

"I knew you're in a lot of pain and you felt guilty because your boyfriend's news on our wedding but don't forget that Ron's my brother too, it's his fault for ruining the vibe, if he take responsibility earlier this wouldn't have happened. " Ginny patted my shoulder

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Tell me what we can do to help you" Ginny added

"No you've done enough, really" I asnwered

But it was too late, i have already come to a descision, i decided to leave tonight, and stay out of the wizarding world for forever, i can't put more pressure to this family anymore. First my sickness and now this? Ron was my very first real love and i loved him with all my heart. If i stayed here i would've relapsed every 20 seconds and it would've give the family more difficulties, i am an adult now and i have to face facts that i cannot always rely on a family who is not related to me in any way. I lost my parents and that means i am alone, i have to stand by my own feet. I have my phone and i still can communicate with Harry and Ginny.Mum came towards me and give me a big hug, i cried on her arms because Ginny was right i can't always be strong.

"I know babe, it's okay cry as long as you'd like i'm here"

"We're also here for you Mione, always" I only smiled and left them.

I went to my room to change into something more comfortable, i decided to wear a sweater that Mom gave to me last christmas and a jeans and a converse shoe. When i moved most of my clothes from my wardrobe and drawer into my bag, i found a picture of me and Ron during Hogwarts's graduation. We both looked so Happy, tears started dropping from my face. it feels like our story is not yet finnished yet the book is already closed. It hurts to say goodbye to someone that you wished to spend your lifetime with.

I finally packed my  bags, and im planning to sneak out of the house  right now where  everyone is sleeping, so that no one will know about my disappearance. I already wrote a letter to Molly  and Arthur  about my departure, and i hope they understand, i really need  to leave  right now because i realized that things doesn't always go they  way i  wanted to be. This experience is one of the case. I need to get  away  from him as far as possible. I am no longer a part of this family anymore, i am just a friend. Even though i know they will always welcomed me with open arms, i can't stand looking at Ron and pretend nothing happened between us. Leaving is the best choice for now, because i realized in order to heal, i need to go somewhere for a fresh start, because being here is too traumatizing for me.

I silently open my room door, trying as hard as possible to not make a single noise otherwise i'm going to get caught, i put my letter beside Mom's favorite couch.

Apperently the  "sneaking out" plan didnt work that well.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Shit. I got busted

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