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Hermione's POV

I woke up the next day with The Great Hall full of Hogwarts students from year 1-7. I can't believe nothing happened last night, the last time we got a reminder from the ministry that they're coming, the death eaters arrived at the Burrow within seconds just to capture the three of us.

"Attention to all students, due to this occuring events, i must inform you that there will be no class for today. However i must inform you that none of you are allowed to be in the school grounds especially for first-third years. First-Third year students are allowed to keep an eye on the assigned places on this corridor only and you will be supervised by professor Slughorn, and Professor Trelawney. The remaining Hogwarts alumni will be patroling to make sure that everything is according to the plan. We will take turns just like yesterday. If something goes wrong, you'll know what to do. The patrol will start as soon as you finnished your breakfast, and we will switch for every 4 hours."

Harry decided to go to the Slytherin common room first to check on Ginny and James. Apperently they had privilege because Ginny doesn't need to go to the great hall to grab some food, the house elves will give it for her. The Great Hall's appearances changed into the way it was, there were no more sleeping bags for the students to sleep, but it was messier because the teachers eating table were no longer there.

Ron, Seamus, Dean, Luna, Cho, Bill, Charlie, Percy and Fleur are still asleep which is understandable because they patroled from 2 am till 6 am. No wonder they're still sleepy. Its very tiring because we only got some sleeping bags to sleep, not as comfortable as the bed i had back in the loft but Mcgonaggal put a charm on the 9 of them to make sure that they cann sleep comfortably without any disturbances. After my tummy is full, me and the rest of my friends and the rest of the assigned students to go to the places we're supposed to be. I can peek at the window that some teachers are in charge on the school grounds. Hogwarts is so huge no wonder all of the students were assigned by Mcgonnagal to patrol and keep an eye on this place.


The sun has set, it's time for us to have dinner and escorting the first-three years to the Slytherin common room, i still had a bad thought, i don't have a good feeling about tonight but i don't know why. It's time for me to escort them also Harry told me to rest in the common room for a few hours before my time for patroling. Thankgod finally i can sleep in a normal bed. I saw Ginny sitting looking at the window, James was already asleep. I can hear sobs from the moment i opened her room door. I approached her and give her a warm hug to comfort her.

"This isn't the motherhood life that i expect."

"I know Gin, I know." I can't believe how hard it is for Ginny to live her life as a mother in a middle of a war zone.

"But you have to stay strong for James and for Harry. He needs your support right now"

"I know" She said.

"When Harry came this morning, i saw something in his eyes that i have never saw before. I saw fear, but i knew that he's not afraid of whatever might come to him, he's afraid if something happens to me or James or you."

I was out of words, i dont know what i'm about to say.

"Can you accompany me, Mione? I know Harry sent you here to make sure you can go to sleep comfortably" I swear, theese days, especially in a war zone, having a few minutes of sleep means a lot, i could use some rest.

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