She's in London

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Ginny's POV

The whole family are still full of questions about Hermione's existence now. Nobody can find her even though we know she's heading to the muggle, it's something concerning for us because there are 114 countries and we never know where she stayed or if she arrived there safely. We're still concerned that the rest of the death eaters who escaped and still nowhere to be found are planning to have some sort of Revenge. Since we know Bellatrix is alive, and we know the trio are still a remaining target. We're worried that they captured Hermione since we know death eaters still able to attack the muggle world, like what happens in my 5th year.

Everybody in this family tried to contact anyone who might know about Hermione's whereabouts. but we can't find anything. It's a freaking dead end. Harry told me to stay calm because he knows Hermione well, she's not stupid and she's smart, she will be very extra careful even though she's having a fresh start somewhere outside the wizarding world. Even if she got captured, she'll find a way to seek help. I'm pregnant and have a lot of things in my mind right now and i hate it. I know that Mom and Dad told me not to put this issue on both of my shoulders but of course i can't just pretend that this bad thoughts doesn't exist, Hermione is my best friend and not knowing where she is or whether if she's safe or not is killing me. God Hermione where are you?

I decided to sit and chill on the front porch since i can tell that it was very noisy inside because the family are still having a meeting to find Hermione, i can't be inside any longer because it makes me feel even more anxious about her. But what hat i love about my family is that even though she's not biologically related to us, and she's no longer part of the family due to Ron and Lavenders upcoming wedding. They are still care about Hermione as if she's always part of us. We cannot stay calm until Hermione is found.

I was looking at the garden and trying to relax myself because the stress will not be good for the baby, until Harry came and he seem in a rush and like he got something important to tell me.

"Babe! Babe" Harry ran towards me

"What? What is it"

"I know where she is" He said

"Who? Who are you talking about" I asked

"Hermione. She's in London"

"London? How did you know"

"Malfoy called me a few minutes to go"

"Wait how come Draco Malfoy our ex enemy knows where she is but we don't? So she trusts him more than us?" I'm about to go full of rage.

"N-no calm down babe, Malfoy and Hermione works in a muggle company in London, they happen to work in the same office" Harry explained.

"So he knows this for almost a year but never said a word to you? I know that there are still tentions between the two of you but how come he never mentioned this?" I asked again.

"Because he thought we know she left, and he doesn't want to get involved or asked questions, he doesn't know until she told him when they went to USA" 

"Wait they're having a trip together? What are they, besties now?" I asked back.

"No, they're having a business trip in USA" 

"Thankgod she has someone to keep an eye on her, is she okay? I have to tell the others" I was about to stand up and go inside the house but Harry told me not to.

"No no no no no, the reason Hermione went to London is because she doesn't want to be found"

"Doesn't want to be found?" I asked

"Well yet"

"So she doesn't want to see us?" I asked

"Malfoy said that if we want to come and see her, we have to go alone"

"Only the two of us?"

"Yes, and then we can ask whatever we want"

"I see but how are we going to tell Mom and Dad" I frowned.

"I know, a few weeks ago Uncle Vernon contacted me because he wants me to visit them. Well don't worry he's not as mean anymore, we're in good terms now, we can tell them that we want to visit the Dursleys. They know that"

"Well that's a good idea"

I went inside the house and try to persuade Mom and Dad so that i can go. I know that i don't have any rights to ask them for permission anymore since i'm now married but Mum is just sometimes being paranoid. Thankfully Mum approved my "plan" with Harry. We left 10 minutes later due to magic so we packed fast, i was actually confused why on Earth would Malfoy contact Harry. When did they two become friends?

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