It's a........

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Hermione's POV

Ugh the day i'm scared of totally has come. I still hate him for cannot making it to the baby shower. The both of us are still so busy with packing. We're helping each other with the stuffs that we have to bring. Finally Ginny and Harry picked me up. I hugged them tight. God i miss this place. Before i go Draco give me a quick kiss and a hug.

"I'll take care of her Malfoy, promise" Harry said.

He smiled and he left. I miss the vibe of the wizzarding world. Before we go to the house. Harry and Ginny took me to the Diagon Alley to have a walk. Nothing has changed since i left. I miss going to shops buying for hogwarts books and supplies. I miss everything. But i can tell everybody is looking at us.

"Ginny, is it just me or everybody is whispering and looking at me"

"Who doesn't know the three of you Mione?" Ginny answered

"You havent been seen for a year Mione. You and Malfoy's dissapearance has been all over the daily prophet, a lot of conspiracy tho." Harry added

"No wonder" I answered

Honestly it's amazing to be back, but i just feel uncomfortable with everybody staring at me weirdly and keep whispering everytime i walked pass them. Im not a celebrity or anything. It's just i dont know, i thought i made the right descision.

"Dont worry about it Mionne. We'll be home soon. Everybody is waiting"

"Like the whole family?" I asked

"Yeah and a few of friends who misses you"

"Oh my god i'm so excited"

"Of course you should. You haven't seen them in ages" Ginny added

When i arrived at home, everybody's waiting for me and ready for me in the living room. I can tell that everybody is so excited to know that i am fine especially Mum, Dad and George. I miss them so much, what i love about this family is that the way the came towards me and immediately hugged me but none of them asked or brings Ron into the conversation is actually very heartwarming. But is it weird if i'm actually looking for Ron. He isn't there with Lav also. But who cares, i'm here for the baby shower. I miss everyone so much. It took almost an hour for me to have a chat with the whole family until Ginny interupts.

"Okay everyone please relax, Hermione is going to stay with us for a few days so you can save the chat for later. Now come on Mione everybody has arrived." Ginny offered me her hand showing that she wants me to come with her.

"Oh that be great, Hermione let George take this to your room okay" Said Mum

"Yeah, thanks mum, i'll see you later"

When i arrived at the garden prepared by Ginny, I can see a lot of my friends like Cho, Padma, Parvatti, Luna are waiting already with a white and blue dress prepared by Ginny. I was dizzy for a little because they were all screaming at the same time saying and hugging me that they missed me so much, girls being girls.  After a few minutes of hugging i complained to Ginny.

"Why didnt you tell me we have dresscode. I didn't even wear the suitable dress" I complained

"Go change then" Ginny answered calmly

"This is the only dress that i brought" and a few moments later Ginny laughed,

"Ladies, this is what happened when Mione has not been using magic for too long. You're in our world Mione. Dont you remember the power of magic?" Ginny asked

Blimey i forgot, thankgod i brought my wand, i can change clothes in seconds anywhere and anytime.

"God i havent felt this in a long long time"

After a few minutes of talking and everything. It's time for the moment we've all been waiting for. The gender reveal. This is the moment where i cannot wait. During the gender reveal, the whole family also gathered in the garden. And when Ginny and Harry opened the box, it is shown that they're having a baby boy. Everyone clapped and i can see the Joy between Ginny and Harry, the way Ginny jumped non-stop because of the excitement, it's so adorable. I can see how excited Harry is for having a mini Potter.

Everybody is so Happy, especially Mum and Dad for having a new gandchild to play with very soon. I was so happy for them because finally i can have a nephew to play with as well. Even tho it's not biologically my nephew.

The baby shower and the mini reunion with the ladies is fun. But it's sad with the fact that i really wish Draco was here so that i dont have to get strucked with memories of me and Ron. Sitting on the porch during nights by just staring at the night view is a tradition for me whenever i want to clear my mind.

"Hermione?" Until a familiar voice called my name.

Oh no. Here we go again.

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