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-2 months later-


I Heard a knock on the door. I wonder who it could be. I was getting worried, i havent got a letter from Ron at all, He's with Harry all the time. How come Harry can still owl Ginny while Ron couldn't? Did something happen to him? How come Harry didn't say a thing.  When i opened the door, it was Harry.

"Harry, you're back!" I hugged him right after i opened the door

"Yeay i finally finnished my training. Hey love" said Harry hugging Ginny and the rest of the family members

"Where's Ron? I thought you'll be back next month?" i asked curiously. Suddenly Harry's facial expression changed.

"Yeah, i got dismissed early becuase of my accomplishment so yeah i am now offiicially an auror" Harry answered proudly and the whole house congratulate him.

"But wait, did you ask about Ron? What are you talking about? I thought he's here."He said. I'm getting more confused.

"No Harry he's not here. If he's here i wouldn't be asking you" I answered

"That git, so he's released early with you too?" Mum asked

" Im sorry i didn't tell you guys sooner because he was dropped out of the ministry a month ago because he had a fight with one of his seniors. He cast a "sectumsempra" to him that caused him unconsious until now in the hospital. He said not to tell anyone about his situation, he said that he's going home straight after he got out of the ministry and tell you guys about this." I was surprised when Harry handed me the letter. Something is not right.

"Then where is he? Why didn't you tell me he was dropped out?" i asked Harry

"i have no idea where he is, Hermione. Ron said he would go straight home after he left the Ministry. I haven't contacted him since, I'm surprised he didn't owl me. And If i do i would've told you sooner" said Harry hugging Ginny for the hundreth time. I'm so happy that they're finally getting married. But i can tell Mum that she's getting worried, she's still paranoid whenever she couldn't get in touch with her kids, i mean the loss of a son really effects her behavior now.

I dont know, since after the war, i became paranoid. But i definitely understands Harry's position because his wedding is tomorrow, he has to make sure that everything is under control.

"Don't worry Mione, i'm sure he'll be back" said Mum, trying to stay positive.

"He didn't owl me at all, Mum."

"He didn't owl me either, Mione, maybe he was ashamed because he failed to protect you, he told us that by being able to join the auror, he can protect you, right? Maybe he needs some time. I'm sure he'll be back he wouldn't miss his sister and obviously his best friend's wedding"

"Yeah i hope so" i said calmly. I dont know why, but this time i have a deep strong feeling that something isn't right. I saw Harry seems confused and having some space from me, i can feel that when someone's lying to me,I really want to ask him but im sure he also have some wedding jitters not just Ginny. I think now is not the right time, i'll ask him probably the day after the wedding.

"Tell you what, let me contact the aurors and my friends maybe they knew something about Ron's whereabouts, okay?" She tried to entertain me.

"Don't bother Mum, let's just focus on the wedding tomorrow" I had to know my place, Ron is an adult he can take care of himself. Harry and Ginny's wedding preparation is way more important than Ron's dissapearance right now

"Hermione don't give me that look, Ron is my son. As a mother, of course we're worried no matter how old Ron is now" She smiled, i nodded.

While everyone is prepping, i still can't hold my focus. I decided to sit on a porch watching the Sun while watching everyone building the isle and the tent. Harry came to me.

"Mione you okay?" He asked

"Yeah i'm fine" Liar, i'm never fine ever since the war and now Ron dissapeared? What if he's hurting somewhere.

"Mione there's something i need to tell you" This does not look good at all.

"What is it" I asked, trying to stay calm and erase a lof of negative possibilities.

"Honestly on the last few days during the Auror Training i had with Ron, while he was there, we weren't on the best terms. We often had debates. Plus, the reason he attacked his seniors is that he was offended by the fact that his effort is always compared to mine. The seniors think that i'm always giving my best but he doesnt. I think-" Harry tried his best not to offend me because i sort of knew where this conversation was heading, the effects of my parents death and the trauma Bellatrix caused to me gave him pressures.

"The pressure was getting too much on him. But i kinda agree tho, i mean no offense Mione, he seems distracted all the time which makes him can't give his all during the training. Those distractions affects his performance in the training. " I stayed silent. I really want to dig my own grave right now for putting all those pressures to Ron. I should've kept this to myself and the therapist ever since i was addmited to St Mungos, i should've cry in silent, i should've lie to Mum and said that i want to have a me time whenever i relapsed and want to scream, i'm such a burden, God how can you be so stupid for letting your traumas effect Ron. I should've kept my pain in private, you're an outsider Hermione, you're not even married to Ron, yet you already give a lot of pain and burden to this family.

"Hermione, I'm sorry if what i'm saying hurts your feelings, i knew deep down you felt guilty, i didn't mean to invalidate your feelings, i'm just trying to figure out the cause of Ron's behavior" He said.

"I understand, thankyou for telling me this Harry"

"No, you have to know that I know what it feels like of loosing a parent, especially you. You who came from a complete different world than us suddenly lost everything because you got involved with our world, and you became wondering if you made a different decision back then, would that change things, am i right?" He asked, i nooded while holding my tears.

"It's okay to not feel okay, Hermione, we understand every bits of your emotions, whatever your feeling right now is valid."

"I actually want to wait after the wedding, but i cannot lie to you Mione, you're my bestfriend, Ginny also encouraged me to tell you as soon as possible." He added

"I apreciate this truely, thankyou so much" He hugged me and went back to help everyone with the prep.


"Yes?" He asked.

"In case you haven't heard of this, I'm very happy for you and Ginny, i wish you all the very best" I smiled.

"Why are you saying it like that as if you wan't to leave?" He asked

"No" I laughed, "But you haven't heard of me saying this right?" I asked

"Thankyou Mione, it means a lot"

As much as happy i am for Harry and GInny's big day, no matter how wide my smile right now are for Harry and Ginny, i still can't get over the thought of Ron and his whereabouts. Oh my god Ron, where are you?

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