Wedding Day

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Woke up early this morning because i have to get dressed, put on makeups and after that help Ginny with her wedding gown. Thank god that i got introduced to Magic so i can get my dress, hair and makeup done in 10 minutes. Ginny has asked Me, Luna, Padma, Parvatti, and Cho. to be her bridesmaid and she decided that all of us will be using purple dresses, Ginny's favorite color.

Before i went to Ginny's room, i start to look around the house trying to find Ron. But i couldn't find him anywhere, i dont think he came to our room last night. I checked the living room,kitchen, my room, George's,Bill's,Charlie's yet he's not there. I really start to worry, but i cant be selfish. Not this time. I need to help Ginny with her dress, she got wedding jitters. This is her big day. I cant screw it up just because of my paranoia with Ron. This is very important to Ginny. 

When i went to her room, Cho, Padma, Parvatti and Luna's already there. We're sort of having a mini reunion there. Ginny looked gorgoues with her white wedding gown and her red curly hair, i also bought her a tiara that i found on a store beside the weasly's joke shop, it really fits her today.Ginny's finally ready. After giving her some confidence, I went to the wedding venue to check on the foods, chairs and everything but still couldn't find Ron.

"Hey mum did you see Ron?"

" You look so beautiful as always, but yeah I was about to ask you the same thing, i wonder where he is, that git, it's his sister and his bestfriend's wedding, i wonder where he is, or maybe he forgets?"

"No he couldnt be, he wouldnt miss it for the world. He was supposed to be Harry's best man."

"im sure he'll be here, dear"

I honestly dont want to make Molly worry because she's very worry about the wedding because the last time we had a wedding here (Bill and Fleur's), it was ruined by the death eaters who are trying to capture me,Harry and Ron.

A few minutes later, Harry arrived at the aisle, he looked so handsome, i also saw Neville, Dean, Seamus, Cormac, even Viktor Krum. He already got married to a Romanian quidditch chaser named Rosella, she looks gorgeous. After Harry went to the isle, Ginny was walking a few moments later held by Dad. She looks so gorgeous, she was like the prettiest among the other girls.

After Ginny was right beside Harry, this is where my favorite part is

"Ladies and Gentlemen we're here gathered at this glorious day, to witness the reunion of Harry James Potter and Ginny Weasely. Please repeat after me"

"I Harry Potter, take you Ginny Weasely, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickess and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live, till death do us part"

"Now, Miss Weasely?"

"I Ginny Weasely, take you Harry Potter, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live, till death do us part.

"I do"

"I do"

"Now Mr Potter, you may kiss the bride"

"I love you Ginny"
"I love you too"

What a beautiful sight.

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