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Ginny's POV

We left London feeling relieved because at least we know that she's safe, even though deep inside i really want Hermione to be close to me, but i had to respect her decision because this happened because of my idiot brother, i would do the same if i were in her position. Also Harry trusts Malfoy enough to take care of her, at least Bellatrix cannot just appears like that in the muggle world. She's safe and secured for now. Harry is going to make sure to remain contact with Malfoy and Hermione so that they will be always on our watch.

However me and Harry can't keep this secret for that long from Mum and Dad who was worried sick about Hermione. We decided to tell her as soon as we arrived the house, but we will try to at least just tell the both of them first, we promised Mione that we wont tell Ron anything, otherwise we're afraid Ron may show up in her doorstep. The hardest part is how are we going to convince Mum to respect her descision to leave and not drag her back here.

"Do you think they'll get Mad?" Harry asked

"I dont think so, but i'm sure there will be a lot of questions asked, can you handle that? i think they'll understand once they know Mione's perspective" I answered

"Why me? You're their daughter" Oh gods not another debate

"You're the convincing one" I answered

"So does you" He added

"You're the boy who lived" He rolled his eyes.

"That has nothing to do with this" Harry frowned

"Whatever, just back me up, okay? I'm sure Mum will corner me for not convincing her to go back, you know how parranoid she is" I said.

"I know" Harry said

We arrived at home an hour later, time for the secret too be revealed. I took a deep breath.

"Mom, Dad can Harry and i speak to you in private"

Mom and Dad seems confused, because once we arrived, everybody was downstairs busy doing with their stuffs. We can't keep this secret for so long. I took a while to convince Mum and Dad because we need to speak in private. We decided to talk in Mum and Dad's room.

After a few minutes of telling what happened to Hermione, Mum and Dad seems confused and shocked at the same time, but i can say there's some sort of relief on their face.

"So she's in London this whole time. How could you keep this a secret from us" Mum asked furiously or panicly i can't tell.

"Mum, I'm sorry, she just does not want to be found yet. "

"So she doesn't want to see us? We're her family, we're always here for her"

"No, She needs time to heal, just because she's been away doesn't mean she's avoiding us, it was all there on the letter she wrote the day she ran away. She missed us so much i can tell, i know Her. She just needs more time to accept everything and make peace with herself. I don't think it will be healthy for her mental if she stayed here, not with that Lavender girl is around as Ron's mistress. She just wants us to respect her descision by leaving, She just doesn't want to answer questions regarding to Ron, it's too much for her. She has the right to sort things out and have a fresh start. And the reason why she left without saying goodbye is that she know that we wont let her leave.

For safety reasons, she is 100% safe here for sure, but i'ts not safe for her mental state. I know that it's a bit dangerous in a safety perspective since she's far away, but i promise we will remain in contact with her to make sure that she's safe always. " I convinced Mum

"How is she going to survive the muggle world. She's alone, no parents, no relatives" She asked feeling worried

"She survived because she's working now, she's smart Mum, she can adapt, and she adapt pretty well along with Malfoy" I added

"Im sorry i'm still getting confused with everything going on here. So Hermione is in London this whole time working in a muggle company with Draco Malfoy? The ex Death Eater?" Dad interrupted the conversation

"Wait so Draco Malfoy's working in a muggle company too? I thought he always hates muggles" Mum said

"Well he doesn't have any choice, he's too ashamed to work in the wizarding world, not after her parents were admitted to Azkaban" Harry answered, Dad nodded because he knew the history, Malfoy's family trialm the news about Malfoy leaving the ministry and mysteriously dissapeared.

"How did you and Malfoy become friends Harry?" Mum asked

"Well, we were on the same team and we become close, but not that close, but at least i can get to know him better, we kind of sort things out" Harry answered

"How do you know we can trusts him? Or the fact that the both of them working in the same place, that's odd isn't it? His evil bitchy aunt is alive after all. How do you know if this isn't Bellatrix and his plan to find Hermione, get close to her and then he just gave her to Bellatrix? He almost killed Ginny for god sake" Mum asked

"We believe him enough. Dad, i was Voldemort's victim this whole time. If i can forgive him, i think all of you should too. Well not forgive but at least give him a chance. When he applied to the Ministry, they gave him a lot of veritaserum to know if he's telling the truth, and that's the truth, you cant sabotage the veritaserum with any magic spell, his loyalty stays with us. He doesn't even know about his aunt's whereabouts. He left the auror and the wizarding world because he's ashamed of what he and his parents did. He wants a fresh start when everyone don't gave him that look. And he can only do that in the muggle world, not here, Malfoy meeting Hermione was just a coincidence" Harry backed me up.

"What look?" Mum asked

"The disgust look that people gave him as if he doesn't need a second chance. He decided to leave because he knows that he can never escape the social punishment here, those people who gave him that look deserve to gave him that look, he doesn't invalidate their feelings at all because a lot of people were killed during the war and it was because of death eaters, so he doesn't blame those who hasn't or probably wont forgive him, thats why he left." Harry answered and suddenly the room became silent, but i can tell Mum and Dad looks worried and still doesn't trust Malfoy.

"Mum believe me, Hermione and Malfoy working in the same company are just a coincidence" Harry tried to convince them one more time.

"So you trust Malfoy?" Dad asked, reassuring Harry

"I believe him enough, plus nobody can fool Hermione, if she has some issues with Malfoy, she would've told me. And i will be the first person who beat the crap out of him" Harry answered

"You have to keep in touch with Malfoy all the time Son, to make sure she's safe" Dad suggests.

"I will Dad, promise" Harry aggreed

"At least Bellatrix can't touch Hermione if she's in London dear, we're the one who should be careful" Mum added

"No what i'm concerned is that i'm afraid that Bellatrix is going to build an army again, and will seek for the rest of the death eaters who escaped or alive. I'm afraid he will try to find Malfoy who is in the same company and the same apartment or whateve that place called with him" I can tell Dad is very concerned.

"I can owl McGonaggal to allow Hermione to use magic at least for protection in her apartment, i'm sure she knows that Bellatrix is alive." Said Mum.

"Good idea"

"Wait Mum Dad"

"Yes Ginny"

"Can we keep this between us first, she does not want Ron to know"

"We will"

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