We're All In This Together

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Harry's POV

"Malfoy" I said as soon as i picked them up, he nodded and i saw a brown haired figure behind him which i know is Mionne. I knew in some ways she'll come.

Malfoy gave me the look of she insist Potter there's nothing i can do.

"You' are not leaving me alone in that loft Harry James Potter. We're in this together." I was shocked when she said that, those words made me cant say anything to prevent her for coming. We arrived at the weasleys and make this place as headquarters for us aurors for now. Apperently a lot of our friends joined too such as Dean, Neville, Seamus, Parvati, Padma, Cho and Luna. It feels safer for me to maintain and keep an eye on all of them. While the girls helps Ginny and Mum, the boys and i try to discuss and share ideas on what might have happened next. Apperently, an owl from Mcgonnagal came for us. As soon as i we're about to open the letter. A flash of bulb came, the bulb looks like a prophecy just like in 5th year saying that the Ministry has fallen, again and the Minister of Magic is dead, and of course they're coming. I bet this is want Mcgonaggal about to say in the letter. I immediately told Ginny to pack whatever is needed to get out of this house and find a safe place to go. Malfoy and the other boys remind the rest of the people in the house. Mcgonaggal told us to come to Hogwarts and make Hogwarts as headquarters. I decided to bring James with me too because i can't leave Ginny alone.

I knew this days will happen but we're running out of choices. We're going back to Hogwarts, just like old times.

Draco's POV

I can't belive it's happening again, Hermione starts to have a panic attack. After everyone is ready and already packed whatever is needed to bring to Hogwarts, we apparated and arrived in  just seconds. I can see everybody's eyes turned into fear, the last time we were here is when the war happens even though Hogwarts is totally rebuild, the memories still there, especially when i decided to go to the dark lord right in front of everyone. Hermione hold my hand tighter as if she's trying to tell me that everything is going to be okay and people could change. The great hall was suddenly opened and i can see that a lot of students gathered and were in shocked and applaused that The Golden Trio returned to save the day as well as the other people involved trying to protect Hogwarts, except me. I can tell everybody starts to whisper when they see me walking with them, Hermione holds my hand tighter to show everyone that i'm on their side now, that there is no more Draco Malfoy, the death eater.

Mcgonagal trying to give The Golden Trio a hug as a sign of thank you including the Weasley family because we knew they lost a member during the last war. Harry then asked me to come closer and i can see that Mcgonaggal was confused. No wonder, i betrayed Hogwarts, the place that i went to to have an education, and i just left them, and joining the death eater in front of the remaining survivors.

"Professor, i trusts him, there are a lot of things that happened" After Mcgonaggal hear what Potter has to say, she came and give me a quick hug and say, "Welcome back Mr Malfoy". I just smiled and then Harry came to talk to the whole students.

"Good Evening everyone, as you may know that we just recieved a message from the Ministry earlier that the Ministry has fallen which means we don't know whoo we can trusts. I am afraid i have to tell you that Hogwarts is not safe anymore. If the Ministry has fallen to the hand of the death eaters it means that they had to do whatever the death eater says. Apperently it's not just me that they're looking for, Hermione and Malfoy is also their main target and we will try whatever it takes to protect this place and kill the people behind this. Now, since we dont know who we can trust, i regret to inform you that i might need the help of all of you to protect this place for a few days. I know this is a lot to think of, because you guys are our only hope to protect this place, not just Hogwarts but the Wizarding world, we need to put an end to this but i'm not forcing anything, this is a big descision and sacrafice. To Those of you who wants to go home, especially first and second years, i'm not going to hold you. I can arrange the train to leave in an hour or two."

We waited because each houses came to discuss but none of them are leaving. Because it may have bigger risks that the death eaters may cause things during their departure omn the train. After a few minutes of waiting, the house representatives came to us and told us that none of them are going to leave, including the first years. So since they arent aggreeing either because no one can guarentee their safety on the train, we decide its best to keep them hidden.

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