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Malfoy will always become a Malfoy. He's late, again.
When i raised my head, i saw a blonde figure standing in front of me and keep staring at me. I can't tell his expression but he was shocked? At that time i can tell i thought i was putting on the "wrong costume". I decided to approach him, i was a little confused and keep thinking what should i say first, but apperently he opened his mouth and said it first.

"You look great, Granger"
"You're not so bad yourself"
"Yeah thanks"
"But you're late tho"
"Yeah i know, sorry"
After a few minutes of awkward staring between Malfoy and me, he decided to broke the awkward silence.

"Shall we?" he offered his hand and i was like
"Since when you're being romantic?"
"Since you're going to have a date with the hottest guy on the entire universe"

Still his sence of arrogance never dies. But wait what? A date? So is this a date? Ugh, i hope that the restaurant will not be that far since i'm using a high ass heels, but then it was beyond my expectations. The restaurant were far as hell and im getting tired.
"I should've never wear heels if it will be this far"
"Your clothes will not fit a sneaker Granger, stop complaining" He snapped.
"Easy for you to say because you're not wearing heels!"
"Im the dude baby girl"
"And since when do you care about my clothing"
"Because we're going on a proper dinner thats why"

It's been 30 minutes of walking and we haven't even arrived yet at the venue. Screw Maloy for picking a far restaurant, im getting sweating here helloo?

"How much further, Malfoy? My Leg hurts"
"According to the GPS, 15 more minutes"
"We should've called a cab if it took almost an hour to arrive, Malfoy!"
"Come on Granger we're in New York, it'll be a waste if we use a cab to explore this beautiful city. Besides, walking is more worth it"

I definitely really hate Malfoy for putting me into this sort of prank, cant he see the struggle of walking in heels for 1 hour? It hurts so bad for me, and i'm not the type of person who likes wearing a high heels that much.

After 15 minutes of walking and look around, i guess Malfoy really has a point, walking and using a cab will have a different vibes. It looks better when we decide to walk, i just hate it because i have to wear heels and it makes my leg stiff. Suddenly, Malfoy grab my hand and said
"It's here"
Wow, the restaurant looked so luxury and gorgeous, i have never been in this kind of restaurant in the wizarding world. But when we opened the door, the queues were very long. Nice, i have to wait in this heels again.
"Malfoy, i think it's better for us to try another restaurant, the queues were too long"
Believe me, it's just a code from me to him so we can finally sit and i can rest my legs.
"Relax boo, i made reservation already"
"Stop calling me boo"
"Whatever you say Granger"

I can't believe Malfoy planned this all up, he's not so bad after all. The restaurant prepared a VIP Room so that we can have some private dinner since the restaurant is always full booked and very crowded. I wonder why, i'm just his co worker, why would he prepared this dinner so special as if im his girlfriend? I'm lowkey enjoying it.

After we ordered some food, i bet it's going to take a while since we know it's full booked. He opened the conversation.
"Do you like this place?"
"I do, how did you find it?"
"Google" Of course duh
"When did you make the reservation"
"About 2 days ago"
"So you're already planning to have dinner with me, how do you know i'm going to be free today"
"I dont, i just you know, guess"

"I see"

"Wait, so if i'm not available, you're just going to have the room all to yourself?" I asked

"That's the plan" He laughed.
I was about to eat yet i was Concered with Malfoy since he ordered some wine but before the food arrived, he already finnished his wine.

"Malfoy can you order something other than wine?"
"Why Granger? It's good. You have to try"
"No but since we left London whenever we went to eat together i havent seen you drink anything other than wine and beer"
"They have the best beer in town Granger, it'll be a waste if we didn't try it"
"No no, you're not drinking beer again. Order something else"
"FIne bossy pants"
"The food is actually really nice" i said
"Can i try some"
"Here take it"
"Feed me"
"Why are you being such a baby"
"Ugh come on... feed me"

He said while opening his mouth, when i gave the food to him our eyes met and actually were some kind of locked for a few seconds. It was awkward but i dont know why i'm enjoying it. I tried to broke the silence.
"How was it"
"Um.. good"
"Do you want to walk around again since you know it's our last day" He asked
"Yeah sure"
"The dinner is on me okay?"
"No Malfoy.. i"
"I insist Granger"
"Next time is on me alright"
"Cant wait" He smiled

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