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"Mione" Ron came to me suddenly, making me a lil' Jumpy

"Geez Mione, it's me" He said patting my shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry" I said. Honestly i didn't know what to say to him. I knew ever since what happened, it gave me drastic changes, i became distant, jumpy, pale, skinnier, you name it, it affects me a lot.

"Hermione, I dont want to see you like this, I hate to see you like this. You got to be sincere of what happened in the past" He holds my hand

"I know, it's just, it's still giving me nightmares, the torture, the bodies the-" i answered. Honestly, my face is full of tears

"I know" He cut me off, "I still got those nightmares too, but you got to let it go, me and Harry are training with the Aurors and we're having progress on capturing the rest of the death eater members that escaped during the war, so you have nothing to worry about."

"I cant just easily forget, Ron" I said.

" I know, but it's not good for your mental and health as well. I knew it felt like you had to jump out of a whole you thought you could never escape from, but trust me, if you slowly accepts and be sincere, it will all be okay. This family has been through this before, you'll be safe with us, I promise you" he hugged me tightly. God i felt so safe and warm in Ron's arms.

"Thankyou, for everything" i hugged him even tighter, like i dont want him to leave. Ever.

"It's always a pleasure" He smiled.

"HEEEY" suddenly we heard the screams of the one and only, the noisiest girl in the house, Ginny Weasly.

"Dinner's ready! You all better come down quick or you wont even get the chance to eat!" Me and Ron run through downstairs. When we were busily eating, an owl came with a letter, and been doing the same thing. It ran into the window, again, for the 100th time maybe. I bet it has 10 lives.

"It's the ministry's letter, for you and Harry" Said Dad. Right after the war, Arthur and Molly has asked me to call them Mum and Dad.

"Oh no, not another training" That is when i realized that they had to go for another bloody auror training. I definitely understand why did the Ministry of Magic chose them to be part of the Aurors training i mean we kind of sacrifice everything to beat the dark lord, but it's just nerve-wracking to see them going for a few weeks and they only have the time for family on weekends.

Or worse, Ron said that they will be going for 2 months as their final training before they become an official auror, I'm going to miss Ron a lot. Ginny started crying because the auror training is dangerous, she was  just afraid that something happened to both of them.

I really understand Ginny's feelings because she's been through a lot. She was the most heartbroken among the other Weasley's about Fred's death. She was very close to the twins.
"I'll be back soon, Love" Harry said to Ginny

"Dont be too sad, Gin. We have a wedding to plan. When he returns, we will be waiting and will have the ceremony on the next day, right Harry?" Said Molly trying to comfront Ginny.

"Indeed. I'll owl you as often as possible. Bye guys"

As soon as they left, the house became silent. Ever since the war ended. Dad got a promotion and we decided to move into a new land.

Dad bought a very large land enogh for 4 houses. We are no longer living at the Burrow because Dad thinks we need to live close to town (Diagon Alley) so if something happens, it wont take time for other people to help. Dad also asked Bill and Fleur to make a house right next to them. Also George and Angeline, Mum and Dad really wants to be close with their children especially after what happened during the battle.

It's been 2 weeks since they left and i have missed Harry and Ron already. I never thought that i would get married with "The Boy Who Lived". But it was strange because Harry always sent an owl to me 3 times a week yet Ron havent even sent Mione any.
I start to wonder because im pretty sure they got same time for rest and other things to do, yet Ron's too lazy to write her a letter.

i feel sorry for Hermione whenever an owl came to the house, she really expects there would be a single letter from Ron, yet it is only for me, not Mione. Sometimes Harry would write an unimportant things to me, but i really appreciate the fact that he let me know about his activities.

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