Old Times

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Draco's POV

The Great Hall looks a mess, it doesn't look like what it used to be, it looks worse than the war a few years ago. I can't seem to see Nevile, Weasley family, Mcgonnagal or any of my friends since probably they scaterred too. I was running and running with Hermione trying to help. But i can tell we're outnumbered, but this does not stop us.

The student remained fighting were in no good conditions i can see some have scars on their head and hand. I can hear a lot of screams it was so noisy. A lot of explosions upstairs and downstairs. The corridors were full of duelers, both masked and unmasked fighting students and teachers. There were Dean , Parvati and Neville trying to duel 5 death eaters which makes Hermione and i had to stepped in and help and thankfully the plan worked.

Hermione and i went back to search for Potter, and apperently found Greyback with Dolohov running. Greyback's mouth were full of blood.

"I swear i knocked him down back then" She said

"Well that plan didn't work" And it ended up with duels between the two of us. It was pretty long, Greayback told something that makes Hermione's face turned redder and redder, he screamed that he just killed Ginny and eat James alive. We both know it wasn't true but Greyback was just trying to make Hermione's gone mental because he knew how much Harry and Ginny meant to him. She started to cry and i really want to help but Dolohov is just so hard to beat.

And apperently something happened that i would've never thought Hermione would do. She casted the killing curse against Greyback, the encounter of the spell was loud and powerful which just not make Greyback dead but was sent him flying back to his death. After he knocked Greyback, Dolohov stupified Hermione but thank god she blocked the spell. I was so angry.

"That's my future wife you dick" and i encounter a killing curse on him.

"That felt Good" She said. I smiled and took her hand and try to find Potter.

"Future wife eh?" She giggled.

"Well i shouldn't have said that, slip of the tongue"


"Because i have prepared this since a week ago and i ruined it?" I laughed. Fuck i have prepared this proposal with Potter for a week and i ruined it. I prepared a special place for proposing, fuck. She laughed hysterically.

"Come on" I pulled her hand towards me closer to find Potter, i bet he needs backups. Curses and Hexes are still flying on every directions, a lot of green and red lights lighting up the sky. We were super tired but i'ts probably not even a good time to rest. After a few hours of knocking plenty of death eaters down, and saw a lot of lifeless body on the ground, we finally arrived at the Dungeon and found Potter, George, Percy, Bill and Seamus battling a lot of death eaters. The Slytherin common room's door did not exists anymore which is understandable because Potter put a protection and silencing charm so the Death Eaters wont notice.

We knew the death eaters were trying to get in and take James away so Harry would hand himself in. Percy Bill and Seamus were asked by Potter to go upstairs and help the others because there were still a lot of students here. After i stupified the deth eater who dueled with Harry earlier. Harry told us so the three of to use the invisibility cloak and take those death eaters down secretly which makes it easier to knock them down.

Apperently the cloak wouldn't fit the three of us since we grew taller and bigger which looked like three feets were running on the corridor, but Harry said that we don't have a choice.

"It's dark nobody would see" He said and makes me and Hermione agreed. The Plan that Harry made worked out so far. Our plan makes a lot of students confused because some death eaters died or knocked down by themselves before they even cast a spell or hex.

Until a huge massive explotions blowing apart a few walls of the castle which makes us thrown off from each other. I was thrown of the the far-est. While Hermione and Potter are pretty much close to each other. The explotions torned the invisibility cloak. The three of us were struggling to rubble what was going on. A familiar figgure walked in right in front of me.

"Well well well who do we have here"

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