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Dracos POV

Thankgod i already do some grocery shopping, this is my very first time living in a muggle city where there's chaos outside. The citizens are having  a demonstration to the government because they think that the government cannot handle the murderer case. Well duh, of course they can't, the murderer is a wizard/witch. They can apparate in seconds.

What i did for the last few days with Hermione is sitting on our couch watching the news while if the situation is clear, we will try to go to the supermarket to grab a few things especially foods and drinks just in case we need to stay inside for a little bit longer. I have survived chaos and conflicts in wizzarding world but conflicts in a muggle world is a whole new different experience. I can say that Hermione is definitely scared, which makes me even more scared too but i need to do what i can to comfort her, we keep our wands close with us always in case of an emergency. A few minutes later, a phone of mine rang, and apperently it was from Potter and i decided to put it on a loud speaker.

"What up Potter?"

"Is Hermione still with you?" Stupid Potter, of course she's with me, i live with her.

"Duh Of course, she's beside me eating"

"Alright, um Malfoy the sittuation is getting worse, i'm afraid we're closer to having a war than we thought" For heaven sake i knew this day would come.

"What happened?" I can see that Hermione leans closer to the phone i hold trying to listen my conversation with Potter.

"Put it on loud speaker babe" She said.

"Well there's a chaos in Diagon Alley. A lot of shops were destroyed, including the Olivanders."

"Just like in 6th year?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah just like when we're outside the Weaslys shop and we saw...-" He suddenly stopped, Potter knew he was talking about me.

"Me and Mummy on the way to Borgin and Burkes?"

"Sorry Malfoy i didn't mean to" Potter apologized.

"No it's fine"

"Wait you knew we were following you that day?" Hermione asked again

"Well i didn't until Greyback told me. You remember him? The werewolf? I was about to hex Potter but Mum told me not to, so he closed the curtain"

"Wow" Potter said for no reason. I can see that Hermione begin to panic, this is about facing her biggest  fear, i remembered on back then in my house, my aunt were just a few cms away from her.

"Malfoy, i think it's best if you come here, but i dont think Mione should come. Maybe she just need to stay in your loft. You just put some charms to make sure the door stays hidden. So she wouldn't find-"

"No you are not leaving me in this silly loft HARRY JAMES POTTER. I won't know when are you going to come back, i can't pretend to live my life normally while all of you are out there doing god knows what in a damn war!"

"No Mione, i want you safe, the last time i dragged you into this she carved your hand with a knife and-oh shit i gotta go James is crying, Malfoy please come soon it's best to keep an eye on each other when all of us are close"

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