How Was It

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Hermione's POV

I arrived at my flat and surprisingly i saw Draco who is sitting on the front Balcony. I dont know i can't tell he was just, staring and i dont know mourning?

"Hey i'm home" He saw me and was shocked but calm.

"I thought i'm supposed to pick you up in 2 hours" He said confusedly

"Yeah i left early"

"Why? Arent you happy because you finally met the Weaslys?" He came to me and gave me a hug and a quick kiss.

"I just can't be in one place with Ron anymore. Well not anymore, but not for now"

"What happened" I was so scared if i tell him that Ron gave me a hug and kissed me on the forehead, when that happened it's like our memories strucked back to me. I can't be in love with Ron again just because he did those farewell thing. He has a family to take care of, and besides i'm with Draco now.

"W-we should take a seat" Draco's face changed all of a sudden.He looked worried.

I took a deep breath, here goes nothing.

"I was sitting on the front porch during midnight for clearing my mind. The last time i was there was when that incident happened. I just need to adjust and move on."

"Go on, i'm listening" He started to sound confused and worried even more,  i can see it from his face, it changed into an anger.

"He came up to me, and we talked about why this and that. We fought for 15 minutes i think. And finally i left him on the porch" At first i thought it's best if Draco shouldn't know the kiss part.

"and?" He asked.

"Then i left, i went to my room and sleep" But i think he knows I'm lying, i can't lie to people, i really sucked at it. 

"You're hiding something. Something happened between the two of you that night"He knew i was lying. I suck at lying and i can't lie to Draco about this. I'm so scared that if i told him, he'll get mad.

"He-He gave me a hug, and he-he kissed me" I can see the dissapointment in Draco's eyes. He was full of rage and suddenly got up from the couch and hold his neck, He almost want to punch the wall, but he didn't, i know he tried to control his anger. 

He took a deep breath and he asked. "Did you kiss him back" I can tell he's ready with whatever my answer is, even though he tried to keep calm, his voice is shaking.

"Noo, it's not like we kiss on the lips you know, he kissed me on the forehead and i left early in the morning"

This is such a bad idea for me telling him, but i can't lie. He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, His eyes was full of tears and but he tried his best not to cry. He was a mess.

"Draco, i-"

He took a moment to calm himself down.

"Hermione look, if you still have unsolved problems or feelings with him i'm not going to force you into this. So i'm going to ask you one thing, when you decided to be mine, is it because Ron left or because you want to be with me?" He asked a simple question but his tone changed, it was anger. 

"N-No! I do want to be with you, Draco, i- ido!" I answered. Gosh what is wrong with me why did i suddenly become stutter all of a sudden.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked. I don't know why i'm nervous when he asked that, i know that i love Draco.


He rolled his eyes again. I can tell he is definitely upset. 

"Why are you making a big deal out of this. You're my boyfriend now and he's not important anymore! We're just clearing things out! He has a family to take care of!"

"Of course  this a big of a deal Hermione. This is Weasly we're talking about! While I spent the last 7 years being an complete dick to you,  he was always the one who's  there for you, supported you, protect you. I even let my bitch aunt tortured you because i was too scared to fought them! He saved you while i was just being too coward to do the right thing. Even though he knocked a girl up, he's still one of your best friend and your fucking first love. I just got you back and now he's-How come it's not a big deal?!"

"What's done is done Draco! The past is the past. We're just being adult about it and move on!"

"It's not changing anything."

"It is Draco, everything is fine now! I have zero worries whenever i have to go there! No more conflicts, no more fear and no more trauma!"

"It's not that Hermione!Lavender had a misscariage, he can get back to you anytime!" He shouted

"Stop being insecure! He is nothing compared to you! Once a cheater will always be a cheater! Even though that girl had a misscariage, its not changing the fact of ron cheated! " Why is he mad? I don't understand. He was about to leave and go into the room.

" Why are you ignoring me?! Stop being paranoid about this! I told you the truth it's not like i kissed him and then you're just barking ma-!" I shouted back. Untill he said the word that i would never expect him to say.

"Damn it mudb-" He punched a wall. He suddenly stopped because he knew it was way out of line. He screwed up big time. I was silent, because the last time someone called me a mudblood was at Malfoy Manor. I never thought he would say something like that.

"Hermione,i- didn't mean that "

"I can't stay here" I said while i hurried walking to the door

"No you're not! Where do you think you're going?!" He was still being mad but he blocks my way. 

"Anywhere but not here" The door was half opened until he shut it with his hands.

"No, you are not. going anywhere. I know it was a mistake of me saying that to you, and you have every right to be mad at me but guess what baby boo? You're stuck with me, because i am not letting you go anywhere or stay anywhere by yourself. I promised Potter to keep an eye on you" I actually want to love because he is mad but he still showed his careness to me.

I rolled my eyes as I entered the guest room to have a quick nap. This conversation makes me have a headache

"Love you tooooo!" I heard him before i shut the door.

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