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Hermiones POV

Ugh I hate for being awkward to him, it's just i didn't know what to say. Harry was right, maybe i do like him, but how am i going to tell him? I mean Ron and i just happened, we never confront each other, it just happened. I suck at relationships, i do owe him an apology for shutting him out, he didn't deserve this. I was still thinking how am i going to tell him, how am i going to apologize to him, i should've give him a chance. I am enjoying the kiss anyway.

This can't go on for forever, even if we remain friends, we can't shut each other out, we'll work as partners, and how are we supposed to stay quiet during work while we used to have fun and being talkative all the time. When i arrived at work, i will apologize to him, straight away.

But why am i so shaky? Even when i'm already sitting on my desk. It's super annoying. He's your friend Hermione, why the sudden change? Dont be like this it's not Hogwarts anymore, you're an adult. You have to work things out. God what is taking him so long?

After waiting for 5 minutes that felt like hundreds of minutes for him to arrive. Okay, here goes nothing.

"Malfoy" He immediately took his earphoe off and give the look of, curiousness?

"Give me two minutes to explain" I said

"I'm sorry Granger i really do i dont know what i was thinking"

"No i'm sorry, i shouldn't have shut you off like that. It was a mistake"

"No, it was my mistake for kissing you in the first place"

I was silent.

"The truth is Granger, can we just start over? Our um, whatever we are right now means a lot to me, in 20 years of living, i never have a friend as decent as you are" He said

"Yeah sure Malfoy sure" I smiled

"Um okay um hug?" He asked

"uhh yeah" And we started to hug awkwardly , i'm glad that we figure things out. Especially since we're going to be partners at work. We can't shut each other off forever.

"Tell you what, let me make it up to you, dinner tonight at my place? I'll cook" He said

"Wow you can cook?"

"Chef Malfoy at your service milady"

"Alright, how's 8?"

"Sounds good, see you tonight"


Oh god what am i going to wear, i am literally throwing half of my clothes out from my closet. It's just a dinner at Malfoy's place why am i so nervous. After 30 minutes of picking my outfit, i put on some natural make up, i just put on some mascara, lipgloss and my eyebrow pencil, and now i'm finally ready with everything. I am going to Malfoy's place who's just 2 rooms away from me. I knocked and when he opened the door, everything was already set.

"Wow you did all of this?"

"Um yeah does it look like i have a roommate?"

"Even the decor?"

"It's not much, i mean i'm not as creative as you so this is the least i can do"

"And you cook all of this?"

"It's only 2 meals Granger"

"It looks yummy though"

"Wait til you try it Granger"

"Or did you do this by using magic"

"No, because if i use my wand, Mcgonaggal will know where i am and will tell the ministry about where i was, i dont want to face anymore questions about my aunt, i have nothing to do with it. Thanks to Saint Potter for keeping it as a secret"

"Oh, i'm sorry i didn't mean to"

"Don't sweat it" He said by pulling a chair for me

"Milady?" He said

"Thankyou" I never thought Malfoy can decor his dining room as beautiful as this. I should've dress better if it's the ocasion

"What? You seem uncomfortable" He began to panic

"No, it's my outfiit, it's to casual for a proper dinner like this, can i just change, it'll took 5 minutes i promise"

"No need Granger, you're beautiful" Wow, that's a first.

After hours of laughing and gossiping about our silliness back in Hogwarts, it's time for us to say goodbye since we're working tomorrow.

"I had a great time, Malfoy, thank you so much for the dinner, next time is on me alright?"

"Yeah no, no problem, i'm always free"

I smiled.

"Wait Granger"


"I dont know what it means for us after i said this, but i can't do this anymore"

"Can't do what?"

"I like you a lot, and i can't just hide it and pretend like i'm your friend. I-"

"It's settled, the dinner that we just had was our first date then"

"What.." he was confused.

"Byee, boyfriend" and i gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Before i go he held my hand, and making me stand in front of him again, and then he held my cheek and lean slowly to kiss me again.

"Goodnight Love"

I smiled with happiness, finally.

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