Trip Plan

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"I'm not bossy"

"Whatever you said bushy"



"Spoiled brat"

"Know it all"

I am about to beat his ass.

"You insolent little-" Just as i about to pick my shoe to hit him. 

"Ms Granger, Mr Malfoy, the boss wanted to see you" I froze as the secretary walked in, i immediately dropped the shoe that i was holding earlier. I'm sure this isn't a scene the secretary wanted to see especially  at work, me about to hit my partner with a shoe i wore. 

"I'll be there soon" I said. I stormed out of room, i even forgot i dropped my shoe.

"Feisty eh Granger?" He walked and handed me my other shoe.

"Shut up, Malfoy" i snatched it from his hand.


"Ah there you two are, I dont want to waste time since i know you're busy, let me get straight to the point, i'm heading on a seminar where i will give some speech. I would like to ask you to join me and please book a hotel from 31st of July until 7th of August. Near the venue if possible. The seminar will be held in Manhattan, i will tell you the details in an hour."

"Is there anything i can do for you, Sir?" Asked Malfoy

"No, you're both dismissed, Oh wait-"

"Yes?" We answered at the same time.

"A little birdie told me that you always argue every 10 minutes and she caught you Ms. Granger about to hit Mr.Malfoy with a shoe, i don't know if she's exaggerating or not, but is that true?" He giggled.

"he started it Boss" He tried to talk

"Did not!" I raised my voice and immediately looked towards him

 "She called me a ferret!" "-He called my Bushy" "-He's the one who always mocked me!" "She's guilty because she's the one who's about to hit me with a shoe!" 

"Enough!" The boss hit his pile of documents to the desk, trying to calm us up because of the excuses we made, i bet both of us nor the boss doesn't even understand what the hell we were saying because we tried to convince him with our reasons at the same time. 

 "Look, on your resume, it's said that you were from the same school class of 1991. I dont know what the heck is going on back then, maybe you weren't the best of friends, but theese walls have ears you know.Honestly, i  really admire both of your performance, you both had been a great team, but i don't want my office and its interiors get used by you Miss Granger to hit on Mr Malfoy. You're both adults, and you will meet a lot of people with different personalities. I don't care if you hate each other, but i don't want this drama to affect on your work. So be professional will you? Otherwise i need to replace with you both with people who are more capable."

"We will, it wont happen again" I said. I realized he may have a point, i cant believe i let my guard down just because of Malfoy, I can't believe i already screwed everything up on my first few days at work. 

"Very well then, you're excused"

"Thankyou, Sir"


I was on my way to my flat, until my co-worker called me, but obviously is not Malfoy, he just explained the details and the venue for the seminar that will be held around next month. I'm still very new at this thing i didn't know that my boss is a very influential person in this country, and one of the most succesful man in the decade, and very famous in the business world. I was still so pissed with the fact that i screwed everything up. Malfoy is a bully and will do anything to mock Gryffindors like me, i cant let that effect my performance at work, i had to be professional. This feelings buzzing in my head can't make me focused, I lost control, i almost hit the wall of my elevator this morning, and now i bump into a man and i dropped all of my belongings, great, that's just great. 

"Ugh watch where you're going will you?!" I was so pissed, but i need to calm my nerves, i cant let that git ruined my mood. He was silent.

He apologized but i was also talking.

"I'm sorry bad day at work" I tried to pick up my belongings with this help

"I'm sorry Miss" Wait, that voice i know that voice. I know that damn voice. This isn't happening. Is that who i think it is? I raised my head and oh shit.

" Malfoy? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I just moved  here on the 7th floor"

"You what?!No No No NO no no no no this isn't happening" People might looked at me as if i'm a crazy person

"Stalking me, eh Granger?"

"I beg your pardon? For the hundreth time, i'm not stalking you, and you're blocking my way now excuse me"

"Granger, i just dont understand you, are you still mad at me?"

"Mad at you? why would i be mad at you"

"You are mad"

"Am not" i kinda start yelling at him

I cant believe he followed me to my flat, after days of working here, i didn't know we were on the same Apartment, on the same floor.

"Back in the Man-"

"DONT u dare talk about those days again" I began to walk to my room but he seem to followed me with his explanation.

He singhed."Im sorry Granger, i really am, i was a coward. I should've done something but i can't, i was too scared" I was silent at the moment, i didn't know what to say. Im lost for words.

"Well, Imma leave you, goodnight Bushy"

"Is that what you're calling me now?"

"Well that's better than Mud-"

I hit him with a shoe finally after that plan didn't work earlier

"Ow! What's that for?!"

"For being a git"

"Still better than a punch in the face"

Then he closed the door


I remember back in the third year i was so mad at Malfoy for giving the idea to execute Buckbeak just because it scratched him in the arm. It was his fault anyway for not listening to what Hagrid said, he almot got Hagrid fired. I was so full of anger, i can't stand Harry and Ron for just being silent and do nothing. We saw Malfoy behind a stone spying on Hagrid's hunt with Crabbe and Goyle, this made me mad when he said

"My father said i can keep the head" or something, i couldn't hold my anger.
"Look who's here" Goyle said

"Ah Come to see the show?" He said happily.

"YOU, YOU FOUL LOATHSOME EVIL LITTLE COCKROACH" I hand my wand right towards at him, he was scared i can tell.

"Hermione, no! He's not worth it"

I lowered my wand because i was thinking for a second that Ron was right, Malfoy is only brave at mocking, he didn't even have the guts for fighting i can tell. After i lowerd my wand i turned around to go back but i heard a laugh from Malfoy and his friends, until i decide to punch him right in the face. He was shocked and he ran.

"That felt good"


Good old Memories.

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