18. *First Kiss!*

Start from the beginning

I came out of my thoughts when I felt a hand moving up my thigh. I stifled a groan. 'What the hell is her problem?' I didn't say anything, just stopped her advancement and pushed her hand away. I thought she'd try again but surprisingly she didn't. I sighed. The whole night she was clinging to me like a moth. She was stuck by my side like an annoying desperate girlfriend. I shuddered inwardly. I didn't even want to think about her as my girlfriend.

I thank the Lord when I saw the familiar surroundings of my mansion and soon the driver parked the car in front of the main gate. Without giving any second glance I stepped out of the car and walked straight inside the house. I could hear Sabrina's irritating voice but I ignored her and went straight towards my room.

I was now inside my room all changed back into comfortable clothes. It was around 1 am and everyone must be sleeping and even though I was tired as heck but right now I just couldn't sleep. And then I realised that it was because I hadn't eaten anything. Yup, you heard me right. Even though I went to the party I still didn't eat anything because I just didn't feel like eating anything from there. I just had a drink and that too because they had forced me to.

I groaned as I turned around on my bed. I knew I wouldn't get any sleep until I ate something. So, I stood up from the bed and made my out of the room and down towards the kitchen. 'I just hope Martha & Gab has kept aside some food!'

Maya's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully when in the middle of the night I felt my throat dry so I half consciously moved towards the bedside table. I pushed myself up on my elbows and reached towards the bottle of water that I had kept by my side incase I'd feel thirsty at night just like now.

I felt my fingers touched the bottle but then it fell to the ground. Thankfully it wasn't a glass bottle so it didn't brake. But the reason why it easily fell was because it was empty. I groaned as I now fully sat down on the bed. Ugh! Now I had to go all the way down to the kitchen just to drink water, great! I couldn't just ignore my thirst because then I wouldn't be able to sleep because of that.

With a huff I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room and down towards the kitchen. As I was still half unconscious because of just waking up from the sleep I carefully steeped down the stairs. The mansion was big but because of the lighting it didn't look spooky or scary at night. When I reached down there was this small light coming out of the kitchen which I was thankful for.

I made my way to the kitchen and went straight towards the fridge. As I opened it I took out a filled water bottle and as soon as I opened the bottle I gulped down the water to quench my thirst. When I was satisfied and my throat wasn't dry anymore I closed the water bottle. Instead of putting it back I filled it again so that I could take it with me incase I'd feel thirsty again.

As I turned around a shrieked escaped my lips when I saw someone standing behind me. I put my hand on my chest and I could literally hear my heartbeat because of how fast my heart was beating. But when I realised who it was I sighed in relaxation.

"You scared the shit out of me." I said taking deep breath because of the mini heart attack I just got.

Massimo didn't say anything he was just standing by the kitchen door looking at me. I slightly narrowed my eyes at him. 'What's his deal?!' But then a slow grin came up on his lips. 'What's so funny now?!'

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now