Sub (j.jk)

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'Babyyyyyyyyy' I heard a whine once again, causing me to roll my eyes.

'What?' I asked annoyed not even caring to turn around and face the baby lying on the couch.

'Come join meeeeee' he whined again, making me let a sigh and harshly put the knife on the counter.

'I told you I'm cooking, don't you want to have dinner?'

'I don't careeeee, I miss youuuu' he cried and pouted while looking at me, laying on his back, his legs extended on whole sitting place.

'I literally have been with you all day'

'I know but still' he pouted and pat his thighs 'Come sit with me'

'Jungkook, I need to work, stop being a baby' I told him for the millionth time today.

'Mommy please I've been a good boy' he whined one more time. This time, his words made my eyes widen and turn around to face him once again, an innocent (but not so innocent) smirk plastered on his face, his teeth coming out as he bit his lower lip and showed his dimples.

'Is that why you've been calling me for so long now?' I asked him in disbelief and he just smirked more, his cheek dimples deeper 'Can't you calm your horny ass down? Jeez'

And I was right. I'd been staying with him for a week now and since we were in lockdown, there wasn't much to do outside, we kept staying at home. And it wasn't easy. Jungkook would be horny 24/7, he wouldn't stop calling me and wanting to have sexual activities. He wouldn't stop for a second, we'd skip meals, don't sleep and stay in bed till noon fucking non stop... It was exhausting but in reality I just loved it.

'How can I when you keep wandering around my house with that fit?' he asked keeping his gaze on my body, covered with his oversized shirt and some panties below, as he was doing for like an hour now 'Mommy please, I did everything you asked, even the laundry'

I chuckled 'It's your clothes bun'

'I know but I fixed all the clothes on the floor too, it's all tidy in the room'

I narrowed my eyes 'Do you want a reward?' I asked smirking and he nodded 'I don't think so'

'whaaaa' he squirmed 'Pleaseeeeee' a loud cry escaped his lips and I sighed looking down at the food I was making. There was no point I would make the food if we would let it cool down to go to the bedroom. Also, I kinda felt turned on and wanted to make him beg for me.

'Ok' I mumbled in a low voice but loud enough for him to shut up instantly, his eyes widening 'Go to the bedroom, I'll be there in a second'

'Really?' he asked instantly sitting up with the brightest expression.

I nodded ' Lay down on your underwear'

'Fuck yes' he said and got up quickly, running his way to the bedroom. I chuckled and washed my hands, going after him soon after.

When I got inside, he was laying on the bed just as I asked, patiently waiting for me.

'I'm picking the stuff, don't move' I told him and he nodded, just before I went inside the closet and grabbed the well known box of toys I knew he loved so much.

When I came back he was exactly in the same position, his uncovered toned body laying still on the bed, his head on the pillow, his dark hair spread over the thin fabric that covered it.

I smiled at his obedience and walked to him. Making my way to sit on his belly straddling him, he watched me attentively as I placed the box next to both of us.

Bending a bit to kiss his lips, he responded instantly, closing his soft doe eyes as soon as I touched him 'What do you feel like to do?' I asked against his rosy lips, feeling his hitched breath as he kept his eyes closed.

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