Your First Time (j.jk)

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Jungkook's POV

Passing through the crowded room and ignoring the people around me, I went to the private room and threw myself on the couch, letting a deep sigh out.

I noticed some of my hyungs but didn't care and just pretended they weren't there, when they, on the other side, watched me with a questioning face, as I threw my head back and closed my eyes thinking.

'What's wrong?' Jimin finally asked as he found it weird I was acting like that before a concert.

I ended up opening my eyes and face him, as I bent forward and grabbed some food of the table.

'It's about Y/N isn't it?' He asked again and I just nodded slightly, leaning back again 'Is it still about the same problem?' he asked once more letting a giggle.

'What problem?' Hoseok suddenly arrived and sat next to Jimin, since he'd been listening to the conversation.

'Jungkook wants to get laid' Jimin mumbled with an amused smile on his face 'But Y/N won't let him get it'

'It's not about getting laid' I suddenly intervened, kind of annoyed 'I just wanna take the next step in our relationship'

'You haven't done it yet?' Hoseok asked kind of surprised with widened eyes and I just shook my head kind of disappointed 'Why though?'

'She just shuts him off' Jimin answered for me.

'Really?' Hobi asked again, looking for an answer from me.

'Well, we make out and start it but she always manages to escape' I explained and Jimin suddenly giggled louder, bending on his hyungs direction, so he'd whisper on his ear.

'That was one time he was fingering her and she just ran away'

'Wait what?' Hoseok asked even more surprised looking at me 'Is that true?' I nodded and he leaned back, crossing his leg 'Ah Jungkookie, I think you're doing something wrong'

'That's not the thing, she was enjoying it, I'm sure' I mumbled kind of embarrassed, with my eyes on my lap.

'Why wouldn't she want more then?' Jimin asked with a raised eyebrow 'She could be pretending...'

I looked at him while thinking. He was right, maybe I was doing something wrong.

'Don't say those things to him' Namjoon suddenly appeared and sat next to me, while holding food on his hands. He placed it over the table and sat back waiting for it to cold down 'I've told you about this Jungkook, you should speak to her about it'

'I know hyung, but... It's kind of embarrassing' I mumbled still with my eyes locked on my hands resting upon my thighs.

'Yeah Joon, he's kinda right' Hoseok spoke again.

'Maybe the problem is not about him.... maybe she has some kind of insecurity and she's embarrassed'

'Why would she be insecure? She's hot' Jimin states making me instantly glare at him with the angriest face 'What? It's true'

'I don't know, women are kind of weird about those things sometimes' Namjoon tried to make me forget about Jimin's words and I faced him again.

'You think so?' I asked kinda unsure and he nodded.

'Besides, if it's about you and she hasn't left you yet it means she wants to be with you and she doesn't care about it. If you speak it out, maybe you can improve about something'

'Namjoon has a point' Hoseok said and I faced him.

'Okay... I guess I'll speak to her later'

They all nodded and ate.

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