When he cooks (k.th)

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I sighed and closed my eyes when I finally finished printing the last paper sheet of my assignment. I'd been working on it for almost 2 weeks and now I'd finally finished it, I could finally rest a bit.

I glanced at the clock on the library, it was 6pm, it was earlier than I thought it'd be. A smile instantly appeared on my face when I realised I would be home earlier and Taehyung would be there since he had a break for the whole week. Even though it has already been 3 days since it started, now that I'd finally finished the assignment I could spend the rest of the time with him entirely and give him all the attention he's been requesting for.

I quickly packed my stuff and drove to Tae's apartment, where I was staying for the week. As soon as I arrived, I ran to his door and opened it.

When I entered I instantly frowned to the weird smell around the apartment. Usually it would smell like tidy and clean, but today it was smelling weird.

I placed my bag on the couch before I slowly walked to the kitchen, where I became even more confused.

With his back turned, there was a tall boy wearing a white shirt and some shorts, with an pink apron over. His hair was a bit messy and had a bandana holding it off his eyes.

'Fuckkkkkk' he groaned lowly as his arms moved frenetically, his head was moving a lot. He seemed to be struggling, the kitchen was a mess and I'm sure the weird smell came from the food he was trying to make.

I suddenly coughed and he instantly turned his head to me, finally realising my presence. But instead of showing his boxy cute smile and come over to me for a kiss, he widened his eyes and frowned.

'What are you doing here?' he asked nervously, glancing to the clock hanging on the wall 'It's still early'

'I finished up earlier' I explained and he just sighed and rolled his eyes, turning forward again, so he could continue his work. I giggled quietly.

'Nice to see you too' I mumbled as I stepped forward on his direction. My arm slid over his shoulder and my hand placed on the other side of his neck. My lips pressed a kiss on his cheek before I curiously glanced at the art work he was making with his hands 'What are you doing?'

'Well I was trying to surprise you but since you ruined it...' he grunted and I pulled away from him, a bit surprised.

'Well I'm sorry I did my best to come earlier so I'd spend more time with you' I told him but he didn't answer, completely focused on cutting a tomato. I watched him struggling completely, his big dark eyes were completely wide, he didn't even blink.

A small smile appeared on my face as I analysed his cute ass, trying his best to make something. He subtly glanced at me as I was leaning on the counter, next to him.

'Why are you smiling?' he asked and I stood up again, wrapping my arms around his torso and leaning my body to his back, my chin softly pressed on the back of his neck. My breath hit his skin after I placed a gentle peck there, I inhaled his scent and felt his warm body close to mine. My head then tilted a bit to the side and my eyes couldn't hold themselves and peeked through his shoulder to the counter 'Stop staring and touching me Y/N, you're making me unfocused' he mumbled with his deep voice and I rolled my eyes.

'Jeez Tae' I breathed out as I distanced myself from him. I ended up sitting on the other side of the kitchen island and just grabbed my phone, keeping entertained.

A while after I'd forgotten about him already, until I heard a noise. My eyes instantly looked forward, to the aproned boy.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck' he cursed on his lower voice, as he held on the pan and moved it somewhere.

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