Jaccuzi (j.jk)

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The night was really cold but really clean, the sky was full of stars and very dark. We were on holiday for the whole week with the other members but now we were in our house, which had a jacuzzi on the outside.

He opened the door and walked out, taking his robe off and standing on his swim shorts, quickly moving inside the warm water, which was covered with foam and letting smoke to the air because of the difference of temperature.

I looked at the landscape, there was a huge lake in front of the residence and the moon was reflected on the probably freezing water, contrasting with the warm light in our porch, made of wooden, just like the whole house.

'Ahhhh this feels so relaxing' Jungkook said as he leaned back against the wall of the jacuzzi, completely covered by the water, his eyes shut.

I walked forward and closed the door so the warmth inside coming from the fireplace wouldn't escape and took my robe too, being on my bikini, feeling the heated water on my body as I hid myself under it. My eyes also closed, it was indeed the best feeling: the cold breeze, the warm water and the quiet sound of nature around us together ... I felt like I was in heaven.

Suddenly, I felt a feet touching my leg but ignored it, wanting to enjoy the great feeling. I felt it again, this time harder, causing me to open my eyes.

'Stop it' I widened my eyes at my boyfriend, sitting in front of me with his arms extended to each side of the tub, leaning back. He let a small chuckle and kept a cheesy smile on his face 'What?'

'You look cute when you're angry' I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back, closing my eyes after, in order to enjoy it better.

I heard him moving by the sounds of the water but ignored it until he reached me seconds after and, leaning his weight on his hands and arms on each side of my body on the small bench underwater, started pecking my face and neck.

'Ahhh jungkook let me relax' I spoke annoyingly. He continued and I ended up pushing him away by his strong chest, my gaze strongly pinning his 'How stubborn can you be sometimes?'

He kept smiling with his childish face and I started to loose my patience. We had been travelling for the whole day non stop and he hadn't really given me much attention, speaking mostly to his friends, and even though I didn't feel apart or anything and knowing perfectly it was completely normal not to have him all the time by myself, it still made me bit jealous inside, so I was just a bit more temperamental in what came to him.

'Would you stop smiling it's not funny' I told him and moved to the other side of the jacuzzi, this time putting my arms out the water and leaning my chin on them, keeping my back uncovered and my gaze on the beautiful landscape.

'What's wrong?' he asked a bit confused but I didn't answer 'Are you mad at me?' he asked again but still there was no response 'Oh now you're not talking' he said now also a bit harshly, I felt him a bit annoyed. I kept my back to him until he reached me again 'Baby' he called against the skin of my shoulder, before planting a kiss on it. When I kept silent, he turned me around with his strong hands. Now I was facing him 'What's wrong?' I looked at the landscape again, taking my eyes off of him. He sighed and put his hand on my chin to turn my face, but I sighed and shove it away, moving away from him once more.

He turned around and watched me as I was leaning against the wall again, my hands playing with the foam in front of me, covering the water. 'Did I do something?' I ignored him again. His anger was starting to build up and I was starting to enjoy mocking him, it was just funny. I kept a serious face though, making him grab my wrists suddenly, my eyes meeting his wide ones now. I tried to escape his grip but he was too strong.

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